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Deed - Chumalia St parking lot - File 625, 1966 pt1
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City Council
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Deed - Chumalia St parking lot - File 625, 1966 pt1
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10/11/2022 3:06:34 PM
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10/11/2022 3:05:48 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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RE:190? V374 <br />PARCEL II <br />A portion of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, inBlock1, as said lots <br />and block are shown on the Map of East San Leandro, filed <br />February 20, 1871, in Book 2 of Maps, page 24, Alameda <br />County Records, described as follows: <br />Commencing at a point on the northern line of Chumalia <br />Street, distant along said line south 70' 35' west 83 <br />feet from the intersection of said.line with the western <br />line of Hyde Street, as said streets. are -shown on said map; <br />thence north 19' 2.5' west 110.74.feet to the ACTUAL POINT <br />OF BEGINNING; thence south 31' 44' 47'.' west 158.51 feet to <br />a line parallel with the said northern -line of Chumalia <br />Street and 10 feet, measured at ri.ght.angles, northerly <br />therefrom; thence along said parallel -line south 70' 35' <br />west 14.75 feet to a line parallel the eastern line of <br />said lot 1, and 19.25 feet, measured at.right angles, westerly <br />therefrom; thence along said parallel line north 19' 25' west <br />9.58 feet; thence north 31° 44' 47" east..176.07 feet to a <br />line drawn north 19' 25' west from the point of commencement; <br />thence along the line so drawn, south 19' 25' east 19.26 feet <br />to the actual point of beginning. <br />The parties hereto mutually agree that said easement is subject to each <br />and all of the following terms, covenants and conditions: <br />1. The easement in, over and under Parcel I, hereinabove described, is <br />for scenic open space and public park purposes. <br />2. The easement over, in and under Parcel II is for the purpose of <br />maintaining, cutting and trimming trees and any other facilities now or here- <br />after existing on Parcel I. <br />3. Grantee shall have the right and - rees to make or install such im- <br />provements in or on Parcel I as Grantee deems appropriate to maintain and fur - <br />then its scenic value. This will include, but not be limited to, the planting <br />of additional trees or plants and the removal of existing trees and plants. <br />4. Grantor shall not alter or modify Parcel I or Parcel II in any way <br />and shall remove no trees therefrom or place any structures, buildings or im- <br />provements thereon without prior written consent of Grantee. <br />5. In consideration of this Grant of Easement, Grantee agrees to pay <br />all taxes, assessments or other levies made against Parcel 1, hereinabove <br />described, from the effective date of this instrument. <br />- 2 - <br />AZ 1460 <br />
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