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g3tatr of Talifornia }SS <br />Tountg of Alameda <br />Xod <br />k&". A'41n.................. U L............... of ............................. sTU17........................ in the year One <br />Thousand Nine Hundred and....5't_� �:.v�I.-.ttl�A......before me .......... Ruth ...B.......P.enni e............... <br />a Notary Public in and for the County of .....Ala.TABS&.............. _........ _ State of California, residing <br />therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ..... R.....Br.a 11,1f3.Y.'...................... <br />known to me to be the V 10 a Presi ent and ......._ A b.o-r 'i... � ......_ E Elam ...................... ........ <br />known to me to be the/Secretaryof t e Corporation that executed the within instrument and the offi. <br />cers who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged <br />to me that such Corporation executed the same. <br />At i wens 194rrrof, I have here set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, the day and <br />year in this certificate first above <br />'. ............................`'��.�Notary Public <br />AU �d�� — r.�uTNr �;�l�ni ot__._Alameda <br />State of Calitornie <br />