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To 449 C <br />(Corporation) <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNTY OF Alameda <br />11M:308 <br />SS. 72- % 8 `0 <br />On June 9 1 9 7 7 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said <br />State, personally appeared 6. E—nc*=P-y , <br />known to me to be the— Vice President, and W . E . Simmons <br />known to me to be - ASS t . Secretary of the corporation that executed the within Instrument, <br />known to me to be the persons who executed the within <br />Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and <br />acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within <br />instrumitnt pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board <br />^ <br />of directors. DORIS L. DOMENEY <br />WITNESS my hand sand fficial seal. ROTARY PUBLICCALiFORNIA <br />;,�,,.,' <br />Signature <br />i COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />My Commission Expires Sept. 7, 1974 <br />Doris I Domeney `—zr�-y.. <br />Name (Typed or Printed) <br />(This area for official notarial seal) <br />