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773 <br />792 <br />793 <br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 75 - 232 <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF DELINQUENT <br />TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />Recitals <br />By agreement dated February 26, 1971, the City of San Leandro, herein- <br />after called "City," entered into a lease with option to purchase of property <br />owned by Earl Cooper, hereinafter called Lessor. It was the intention of all <br />parties to said agreement that taxes on the property involved were to be pro- <br />rated as of November 1, 1970. By clerical error the lease with option to <br />purchase as forwarded by Lessor carried forward the date of March 31, 1971 <br />as the date of proration of taxes. This clerical error by Lessor has recently <br />been called to the attention of the City with a request that the City assume <br />the payment of taxes between November 1, 1970 and March 31, 1971. All parties <br />to the agreement confirm that the date of November 1, 1970 was the intended <br />date for prorating taxes. <br />It is to the mutual benefit of all parties that the agreement as initially <br />intended be carried forth. It is therefore the recommendation of city staff <br />that the City of San Leandro be authorized to undertake payment of delinquent <br />taxes between the dates November 1, 1970 and March 31, 1971. <br />Lessor previously has claimed and received a refund of $361.11 for taxes <br />for the year 1972-73. It is recommended that this amount be deducted from <br />any delinquent taxes due and the difference between the delinquent taxes and <br />the refund previously received by Lessor be paid over to Lessor in full satis- <br />faction of any obligation of City for such delinquent taxes. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE <br />as follows: <br />That the Finance Officer of the City of San Leandro is hereby authorized <br />and directed to pay over to Earl Cooper through his attorney Alfred A. Affinito, <br />a sum equal to delinquent taxes for the period November 1, 1970 through <br />IZ 7yv <br />AWN <br />�S- /-7y-4 - 7 <br />7S_ 1-7y- &--$ <br />