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A023275 <br />IN T11 G =1 COUNCIL OF TILL CITY OF SAID LEAIMR0 <br />nOLUTION ?10. IR" C.H.S <br />RESOLUTIDN AC(;Lt' ijZj DEED <br />(City of Oakland ) <br />The Gity Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE <br />as follows: <br />: <br />That that certain deed dated Harch 10, 1952, from the <br />City of Oa}C1�nd, acting by and through its Board of Port Com-v <br />missioners, to this City conveying certain property for public <br />purposes be and it is hereby acceptedo The grantor is hereby <br />authorized to attach a copy hereof to said deed* <br />Irtr—laced by Councilman ramm and .gassed and <br />adopted this 17'1di day o`' Marche 1952, by the following called <br />vote: <br />AYES: COUNCIU-TIP i Bellix;ie :nmit raro, I;unni�,an# 3ineemp <br />'Per Ft -'tp {.nick J <br />NOES: COUNC ILA-Ik:N a Wonee 0 ) <br />• BSENT: COUNCIUEN , •� (0) <br />ATTEST: <br />Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br />City Clerk -', Bvmbmk <br />