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RE:1630 R I <br />AX 149090 <br />DEED <br />WINDSOR LAND CO., a partnership, hereby grants to the <br />City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, all that land <br />situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the monument in the intersection of <br />Doolittle Drive and Fairway Drive, formerly West Avenue <br />137, as said monument, drive and avenue are shown on <br />the map of Tract 2143, filed March 16, 1961 in Map Book <br />44, pages 19 through 23, Alameda County Records; thence <br />along the monument line of said Doolittle Drive, north <br />27° 30' west 15 feet to the southeastern line of said <br />Fairway Drive (30 feet wide) as it existed before widen- <br />ing; thence along said southeastern line of Fairway Drive, <br />south 62' 30' west 55 feet to its intersection with a <br />southwestern line of said Tract 2143; said intersection <br />being the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing <br />along said southeastern line of Fairway Drive (30 feet <br />wide) south 62° 30' west 1535.20 feet to a northeastern <br />line of said Tract 2143; thence along said tract line <br />south 27' 30' east 50.00 feet to a line drawn parallel <br />with the said southeastern line of Fairway Drive, and <br />50.00 feet, measured at right angles, southeasterly <br />therefrom; thence along said parallel line, north 62° 30' <br />east 1535.20 feet to the aforementioned southwestern line <br />of Tract 2143; thence along said southwestern line of <br />Tract 2143, north 27' 30' west 50.00 feet to the actual <br />point of beginning. <br />Dated: October 26, 1965 <br />WINDSOR LAND CO., a partnership <br />1 L� <br />By C� � <br />J <br />AX 149090 <br />Jt MRDED at 'REQUEST Of <br />Iranswerica Time Ins. Co.. <br />Al *130 A.IVI.. <br />OCT .2 81965 <br />ram_ <br />F:W? OAk RECORDS. OF <br />2MMA COONW, .CAUFORKIA' <br />;,TACK G. BLUE <br />� �O_tI�0Y QI�,OR,D.ER <br />