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Deed - Hesperian Blvd, widening - File 616, 1966 pt1
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Deed - Hesperian Blvd, widening - File 616, 1966 pt1
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Last modified
10/11/2022 3:17:34 PM
Creation date
10/11/2022 3:15:34 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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/SS/ <br />CITY, OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal <br />corporation <br />land set forth on said Exhibit A as Parcel 4. Upon completion of such <br />acquisition City agrees to convey to Freschi the property designated on <br />said Exhibit A as Parcel 4, reserving to the City an easement for street <br />purposes. Said Parcel 4 is more particularly described in that document <br />marked "Exhibit D," attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. <br />3. Freschi agrees to grant to City immediately following execution <br />hereof, an easement, for the purpose of installation and maintenance of <br />traffic signal control and detection devices, on, over and across those <br />certain parcels designated on Exhibit A as Parcel I. Said Parcel 1 is <br />more particularly described in that certain document marked "Exhibit E," <br />attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. <br />4. City agrees to construct on Parcel 1, hereinabove described, a <br />driveway to connect with and become an integral part of the driveway to <br />be constructed by Freschi on property immediately adjacent thereto. <br />Freschi agrees to pay to City on completion thereof an amount equal to <br />the contract price for such construction. <br />5. The City agrees to construct a system of 4-way traffic control <br />signals at the intersection of Hesperian Boulevard and Sycamore Street. <br />Freschi agrees to pay to City upon completion of such construction a <br />sum equal to one-fourth of the contract price of said improvement. <br />6. The City shall construct sidewalks, driveways, curbs, gutters <br />and street improvements on Parcels 2 and 3 abutting Freschi property and <br />on Parcel 4 abutting the property to be conveyed to Freschi as set forth <br />hereinabove. Freschi agrees to pay to City upon completion thereof the <br />contract price for the sidewalks and driveways so constructed on said <br />Parcels 2 and 3. City agrees to pay the cost of the remainder of such <br />improvements. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement <br />the day and year first hereinabove written. <br />c � <br />Leo It r e s c h i <br />- 2 - <br />Pauline Freschi <br />
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