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F <br />it : j..) , i <br />LECAL DESCRIPTION OF <br />PROPOSED RIGII T-OY--WAT ACQUISITION' <br />All-thnt certain real property situate in the' City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of the lands conveyed to Marc. 11. lfonheim. r. and <br />Bruce 11, Cowan by West.ingliouse Air Drake Co., a corporation, as described in the deed <br />recorded on April. 3, 1972 in recorder's series 724,2478 Official Records of Alameda <br />County; said real property being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINIZZING at the most soutllerl.y co.7,er of- said lands of 1�onhei.ner and Cogan; HiE'r:cc <br />from said point of Be-0-nning along the southeasterly line of said lands of Yonheiner <br />and Cowan and the northwesterly line of Marina Boulevard (also known as First Avenuct <br />and also known as test avenue 132) 11 62°30'00"E 454.41. feet- to a point thereon; last <br />said point being'the most southerly corner of the lands conveyed by American Radiator <br />and Sanitary Corporz,tiori to the City of San Leandro, and described in the need rccordee <br />on August 30, 1-963 in Peel 980, Inage 10 inoder recorder's series AU 145299, Alar^eda <br />County Records; thence along the general northeasterly cnd westerly line of said lands <br />of the City of: San Leandro the following courses: tangent to the preceding course <br />along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 494.00 feet and a central <br />angle of 10°53'15" (described as 10°53' in last said deed), an arc distance of 93.57 <br />feet (described as 93.84 feet in last said deed) to a point of reverse curvature; <br />tangent to the preceding curve along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius <br />of 506.00 feet and a central angle of 10°53'15" (described as 10°53' in last said <br />deed), -an arc distance of 96.15 feet (described as 96.11 in last said deed) to a point <br />of reverse curvature; and tangent to the preceding curve along the arc of a curve <br />to tha left having a radius of 40 feet and a central angle of 90°, an arc distance <br />of 62,83 feet to the most northerly corner of said lands of City of San Leandro and <br />a point on the northeasterly line of said lands of Monl,eir.-ier and Co:•rar-; thence along <br />1 rr �::i•# n.,:_tSina��s�rly line -?.,i 1] �,{?1e- i:S_ a1��t1C �Ol'}-1`-'%�L'e�'ly i.,n nF unrCt,�3 St-pFt <br />- - _ . - - - - <br />(al -so kno rn as Countv P.oad No. 6071).N 27°30'00" j: 594.50 feet; thence leaving lest <br />said line along the northwesterly line of said lands of Yonhcimer and Cc,,, -an <br />562' 30' OOk' 18.00 feet to a point thereon; thence along a line that is parallel with <br />and perpendicularly distant 18.00 feet southwesterly from said southwesterly line <br />of Y.erced Street S 27°30'00" E 408.610 feet; thence leaving said parallel line the <br />following courses: S 23°49'45" E 164.00 feet; tangent to the preceding course along <br />the are of a curve to the right having a.radius of 50.00 feet and a central angle <br />of 83°16'03", an are distance o.f 72.66 feet,; and S 59°26'18" W 440.00 feet to a point <br />on a line being parallel with and perpendicularly distant northvesterly 10.00 feet <br />from said northwesterly line of Xarina Boulevard; thence along last said parallel <br />Line S 62°30'00" W 168.19 feet toa point on the southwesterly line of said lards <br />of Monheimer and Cowan; thence along last said line S 27°30'00" E 10.00 feet to'the. <br />Point of Beginning and containing 24,024 square feet of land, more or less. t <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />to <br />GRANT DIED <br />tare 11. Monheimer and Bruce M. Cowan, as Trustees <br />of the B/K/San Leandro Trust to The City of San <br />Leandro <br />", , ' cc-ov <br />4 1 <br />JJ, <br />