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1123690 tkX1.63271 E-32 (49) NO REVENUE STAMPS REQUIRED <br />E-40 (57) CORPORATION GRANT DEED <br />MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO RETURN ADDRESS ABOVE <br />REL: 1651 I Iv11. 6 5' <br />FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, SAN LEANDRO INDUSTRIAL PARK CORPORATION, a <br />California corporation, hereby GRANTS to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, <br />a municipal corporation, the following described real <br />property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the <br />western line of Merced Street with the northern terminus <br />of the curve with a radius of 102.43 feet and a length of <br />80.45 feet, said curve being a part of the eastern line of <br />lot 30, as said street, curve, radius, length and lot are <br />shown on the map of "Tract 1792" etc., filed June 21, <br />1957 in book 38 of Maps, page 31, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda County; running thence along <br />said eastern line of said lot 30 from a tangent that bears south <br />270 0f east, on a curve to the right with a radius of <br />102. 3 feet, a distance of 80.45 feet; thence continuing <br />along said eastern line, tangent with the last mentioned <br />curve, south 170 30f west 87.89 feet; thence from a tangent <br />that bears south 30 031 14" west, on a curve to the right <br />with a radius of 592 feet, through a central angle of 20 <br />561 46", a distance of 30.44 feet; thence tangent with the <br />last mentioned curve, south 6° west 184.28 feet to the <br />eastern line of lot 29, as said lot is shown on said map; <br />thence along the last mentioned line from a tangent that <br />bears south 270 181 23" east, on a curve to the left with <br />a radius of 150 feet, through a central angle of 0° 111 37", <br />a distance of 0.51 of a foot to a point of tangency thereon; <br />thence continuing along the last mentioned line, tangent <br />with the last mentioned curve, south 27° 301 east 27.87 <br />feet to the southeastern corner of said lot 29; thence <br />south 880 22f 56" east 65.53 feet, more or less, to the <br />southwestern line of Parcel 1, as described in the deed <br />by Pine & Co., a partnership, et al, to Alameda County Flood <br />Control and Water Conservation District dated August 31, <br />1956, recorded October 3, 1956 in book 6166 of Official <br />Records of Alameda County, page 301, (AL/104016); thence <br />along the last mentioned line, the following courses and <br />(over) <br />