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TO 1012-1 B Cont. C <br />California Land Title Association <br />Standard Coverage Policy-1963 SCHEDULE B— (Continued) <br />PART 11 <br />1. General and Special County and City taxes for the fiscal year 1965-66 <br />First installment : Due <br />Second installment : Payable <br />2. EASEMENT and incidents thereto: <br />Purpose: construction, etc., of storm drains for flood control <br />As granted by: Pine & Co., a partnership <br />To: Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District <br />Instrument dated: August 31, 19S6 <br />Recorded: October 3, 1956 <br />Book 8165 O.R., page 361 Series No. AL/103673 <br />3. EASEMENT and incidents thereto: <br />Purpose: roadways, public streets, <br />sewers, and for any and all public <br />As reserved by: Nathan Smooke and <br />Instrument dated: June 93, 1965 <br />Recorded: June 9, 1965 <br />storm drain and sanitary <br />utility purposes <br />Marion Smooke, husband and wife <br />Reel 1524 Image 594 Series No. AX/79713 <br />Affecting: that portion of premises which lies within the <br />lines of the parcels of land described therein as follows: <br />PARCEL A: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwestern line of <br />Merced Street, 60 feet wide, with the northern terminus of the <br />curve with a radius of 102.43 feet and a distance of 80.45 feet, <br />as said street and curve are shown on the map of "Tract 1792, <br />City of San Leandro, Alameda County, California", filed June 21, <br />1957, in Book 38 of Maps, Page 31, in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County; running thence along said south- <br />western line of Merced Street, south 270 43' 3011 east (the bearing <br />of south 270 43' 30" east being taken for the purpose of this <br />description) 99 feet to the northwestern line of the parcel of <br />land described in Parcel 1 in the deed by Pine & Co., a partnership, <br />, to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation <br />District, dated August 31, 1956, recorded October 3, 1956, in Book <br />8766 of Official Records of Alameda County, Page 301 (AL/104016); <br />thence along the last mentioned line, south 17 16' 30" west 77.78 <br />feet to an angle point therein; thence continuing along the last <br />mentioned line, south 270 43' 30" east 20.09 feet to an angle point <br />therein; thence continuing along the last mentioned line, south S° <br />14' 151' east 46.20 feet to an angle point therein; thence continuing <br />along the last mentioned line, south 17° 151 west 113.68 feet to an <br />angle point therein; thence continuing along the last mentioned line <br />south 27° 551 19" east 19.80 feet to a point hereinafter known and <br />designated as "Point C"; thence south 62' 161 3011 west 57.04 feet to <br />the northeasterly line of said tract 1792; thence along the last <br />