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mentioned line north 27' 42' 30" west 2.42 feet to a point of curve <br />in said northeastern line of said "Tract 1792"; thence continuing <br />along the last mentioned line, tangent with the last mentioned course <br />northerly on a curve to the right with a radius of 150 feet; through <br />a central angle of 45°, a distance of 117.81 feet; thence tangent <br />with the last mentioned course, north 17' 16' 30" east 192.42 feet; <br />thence tangent with the last mentioned course, northerly on a curve <br />to the left with a radius of 102.43 feet, through a central angle <br />of 45°, a distance of 80.45 feet to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL B: <br />A STRIP of land 57 feet wide, the northeasterly line of <br />which is described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at "Point C" above referred to; running thence <br />along the southwesterly line of the parcel of land described <br />in Parcel 1 in the deed by Pine & Co.,, to Alameda <br />County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, dated <br />August 31, 1956, recorded October 3, 1956, in Book 8766 of <br />Official Records of Alameda County, Page 301 (AL/104016) south <br />270 55' 19" east, 886.92 feet to the southeasterly line of <br />Parcel 1. <br />The southwesterly line of said Parcel B shall be lengthened <br />or shortened so as to constitute a strip of land of uniform <br />width of 57 feet. <br />The said easement in this Paragraph First shall terminate <br />and shall become null and void upon the recorded decication to <br />and acceptance of dedication by the City of San Leandro of any <br />street in a southerly direction over, along and across Parcel <br />1 toward the southern line of Boundary of Parcel 1, and upon <br />the right to owners or occupants of Parcel 2, 3, 4 and 5 and <br />Adjacent Triangular Parcel to use or to continue to use the <br />said dedicated street, over, under, along or across, the same, <br />for roadways, public streets, storm drain and sanitary sewers <br />and for any and all public utilities, storm drain and sanitary <br />sewers, appurtenant to and for the benefit of Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5 <br />and/or Adjacent Triangular Parcel, or any other portions thereof. <br />The easements herein granted shall be extinguished as to the <br />portion of a parcel with respect to which a building permit shall <br />be recorded for a building or other building improvement on such <br />portion otherwise subject to said easements. <br />