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�1:28 9 IM:971 <br />BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE <br />SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT <br />In the matter of authorizing <br />deed to real property to <br />City of San Leandro <br />Parcel: San Leandro Streets / <br />Resolution No. 1717 <br />RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bay Area <br />Rapid Transit District that said board determines that the disposition of <br />the real property described in the attached deed is for the best interests <br />of the District, and hereby authorizes and approves the execution of the <br />attached deed by the President or Vice President and Secretary or Assistant <br />Secretary of the District on behalf of the District. <br />SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE <br />I, RICHARD J. SHEPHARD, Secretary of the San Francisco Bay Area <br />Rapid Transit District do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy <br />of the original resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the San <br />Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District at its meeting regularly called <br />and held on the 25th day of February, 1971, a majority of the members of <br />said Board being present and voting therefor. <br />Dated this 25th day of February, 1971. <br />4Rica'rida.-I. Shepha , Secretary <br />San Francisco Bay Area <br />Rapid Trans i'Z-MSt*ict <br />f <br />ti c, <br />