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&52_750 RJ II - 10-5-53 (92413/323- <br />(Approved as to Form 07 general Counsel <br />April 27, 1199S?) <br />n <br />STREET OR HIGHWAY INDENTURE <br />TbI.9 Nbenture, made this day of % , 19 6-3, by and between <br />CENTRAL PACIFIC RAI 4AY COMPANY, a corporation of the tate of Utah, <br />and its lessee, SOUTHERX PACIFIC CQ',VAAY, a corporation of the State <br />of Delawares <br />herein collectively termed "Railroad," and CITY OF 5AN LBANDROs a municipal <br />corporation of the 3ta.te of Joalifornia, <br />herein termed "Grantee." <br />vitno!getb: <br />5? <br />1. That Railroad hereby grants to Grantee (subject to the reservations, covenants and conditions herein <br />contained) the right to construct, reconstruct, maintain and use a street or highway, hereinafter termed <br />"highway," upon and across the following described real property: <br />All those certain pieces or ,parcels of land situate, lying and <br />being in the City of :pan Leandro, county of Alameda, :::Mate of Calif- <br />ornia, more particularly described as follows: <br />P.�W,LL l: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the south- <br />westerly line of Lot 9, Tract 1125, as said lot is sraown <br />on map of Tract 11259 ban Leandro, Alameda County, <br />California, filed for record October 3, 1951 in Book 31 <br />of Maps at, paZe fig, Alameda County records, Atn the <br />northwesterly line of the 20 foot pride strip of land <br />described as Parcel 1 in deed dated June lb, 1947 from <br />Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty W'ompany to Gentral <br />Pacific ltailway Oompany, recorded June 17, 1947 in <br />Book 5160 of Official records, at page 235, Alameda <br />County records; thence North 42' 39' .vest along said <br />southwesterly line of said lot, a distance of 15.41 feet <br />to a point in the northwesterly line of a 15 foot pride <br />strip of land described thirdly in said deed and lying <br />northwesterly of and adjacent to the northwesterly line <br />of said land described as Parcel 1 in said deed; thence <br />5outhtiresterly along said northwesterly line of said 15 <br />foot wide strip of land, on a curve to the ri,-ht, having; <br />a radius of 276.90 feet, (tine chord of said curve bears <br />South 404 32' 21" '.4ests 60.49 feet) an arc distance of <br />60.49 feet to the point in the northeasterly line of Lot <br />10, `tract 1125, as said lot is shown on said :yap tnereof; <br />thence mouth 42Q 39' East along said northeasterly line <br />and its southeasterly prolongation, 50.0 feet to a point <br />in the southeasterly line of a 15 foot wide strip of land <br />described thirdly in said deed and lying, Southeasterly <br />of and adjacent to the southeasterly lime of said land <br />described as rareel 1 in said deed; thence 3ortheasterly <br />along the southeasterly line of last said 15 foot wile <br />strip of land, on a curve to the left, having a radius <br />of 326.90 feet, (the chord of said curve bears i1orth <br />41- 10' 2211 Lasts 60.35 feet) an arc distance of 60.44 <br />feet to a point in the southeasterly prolongation of the <br />aforesaid southwesterly line of said Lot 9; thence Aorth <br />42Q 39' crest along; last said southeasterly prolongation, <br />35.60 feet to the point of beginning and containin� an <br />area of 6102 square feet, more or less. <br />-1- <br />