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PLEASE RECORD AND PETL7XN TO: <br />Richard d. West, C. / Clerk u-037248 <br />c.l ty of S Leandro <br />835 east 14th Street San L,-andro, Calitornia j4577 <br />IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF 'TIiE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />(7 <br />Cc- -OR's <br />bl� V 5e r v I c_.e. Cer��P4 <br />EEMENT AND <br />ment Agency agreed to <br />n property within thu <br />r .its corporation <br />1.11 UL\LCIV, �asc 4%c vcv V. 46 uc AL - nycu%.Y "i LU Luc %-i ty Of San Leandro <br />have agreed to a purchase price of $ 2. 5 rn i 11 ion , and to Lha t end have <br />agreed to an amended agreement of sale; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Redevelopment Agency of thu City of San <br />Leandro does RESOLVL; as follows: <br />That the amended agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, <br />with the City of San Leandro is approved and the Chairperson is <br />authorized to execute the same on ',:half of the Redevelopment A(jency. <br />That the Redevelopment Agency hereby accepted the Grant Deed to <br />Lhu corporation yard, a copy of which is attached he ru to . <br />th is 16 day of February 1982, by the following called vote: <br />Agency Members: <br />Ayes: Frazier, Klehs, Landis, MCGuu, Scymon; <br />Chairman Gill <br />20 <br />Noes: None -.�... <br />/� C —0 h-�04) i) lit OFFICIAL RECORDS <br />Absent: Soares <br />t t . <br />Rugg, Se <br />Ur kAmiDA COUNTY. CALIF. <br />R=','E C. C.;;;DSQ;;, Cou„ty Recorder <br />7t8,�I�1i11,12t'! t�t3t�,�t6 <br />(6 ) <br />(0 ) <br />(1 ) <br />The foregoing Resolutions-? -is a true and correct copy of Resolution <br />passed ::his 16th day of February, 1982, by the Redevelopment Agency of the <br />City of San Leandro. <br />'rl. R. Rugg, Secr_e.&Pyr -- <br />Redeval owl ent Agency 'o f the <br />Cite of San Leandro <br />