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(,kANT LL'LD ce—C37248 <br />cc-* I_ <br />The CITY OF SA;i LEANDRO, a .i..un1c,„d1 CC- <br />Noration, hereby grants to e <br />REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Public Body, Corporate and <br />Politic, of the State of California, all the real property situated in the City <br />of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />keai property in the City of San Leandrii. County of Alameda. State of <br />California. twiny till of blocks 35 and 17. and purtion5 of Ulocks .54. <br />34 and Id, and portions of kdnion Street, St. John Street (fori:wrly <br />Juana Street) and Carpentier Street, as shown on the Map of the Town of <br />San Leandro, filed February 27, 1855 in Book 2 of Maps at page; 43 and <br />kccorded by Order of the Board of Supervisors. June 14. 1670. in Book 1 <br />Of Maps, at page 19, Alameda County kecords, and being furtner described <br />as follows: <br />►ie (jinninq at the intersection of the centerline of Sun Leandru Creek with <br />the nortneastern line of San Leandro Boulevard. formerly Cstudillo Street, <br />as shown on said map-, thence along last said line, southeasterly to the <br />southeastern line of said Ramon Street; thence along last said line, north- <br />easterly to the northeastern line of Lot D of said Block 34; tnence south- <br />easterly along the northeastern line of Lots D. G and L of said Block 34, <br />and the southeasterly prolongation of said line of Lot L to a point on the <br />southeastern line of St. John Street, formerly Juana Street, as shown on <br />said reap, last said point ucing also the most northern corner of Lot D of <br />sale! 31ock 33; thence southeasterly along the northeastern line of said <br />Litt 5. 80.00 feet to a line drawn parallel with and 80.00 feet. measured <br />at right angles. southeasterly from sal.. line of St. John Street; thence. <br />,long said parallel line, nurtheasterly to a point on the southwestern <br />line of Lot C of said Block it',; thence northwesterly along last said line, <br />60.00 feet to said southeast line of St. John Street; thence northeasterly <br />alone last said line and its northeasterly prolongation, to the centerline <br />of ;aid San Leandro Creek; thence along said centerline of San Leandro <br />Creek. in i <jeneral northwesterly direction. to the Beginning. <br />Ttx ULIUVu d0!,LrltJeJ Marcel of lanu ;untalns ..2L acres, more or less. <br />_ .:'. February 16, 19�L <br />ASSESSOR'S NOS. 75-17-1. 75-18-1 <br />/�-36-13/1, 75-36-14/1 <br />75-36-39, 75-36-40 & 75-36-41 <br />i �� � NSF DUE <br />� <br />R. H. WEST, CITY CLERK <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY OF SAN LEA11DR0, d wunlcipal <br />corppration <br />BY <br />ALA L GILL, Mayor <br />