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August 30, 1977 <br />.-!!� To: G. Forbes - City Attorney <br />CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE <br />AUG 31 1977 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />From: W. Rugg - Community Development Director <br />CC: J. Guzman <br />Subj: VACATION OF WEST ESTUDILLO AVENUE AND WASHINGTON AVENUE <br />As I understand the process, the City Council will have to adopt <br />an ROI setting a PH for the street vacation. As we discussed, this <br />should be done ASAP, consistent with Joe Coomes' strategy on the <br />utilities. However, time is so short, I think we're going to have <br />to move on this regardless of that strategy. <br />I suggest an ROI on September 12 and PH .or_ October 3. Do you concur? <br />If so, please take care of the resolution. Joe Guzman will set up <br />the agenda based on this memo. <br />WRR:pit <br />9/6/77 <br />To: W. Rugg, Community Development Director. <br />From: Glenn A. Forbes, City Attorney <br />I don't agree that we should proceed on this vacation regardless of the <br />strategy on utilities. However, I feel that the proposed dates are probably <br />consistent with that strategy. With that feeling in mind, have prepared for <br />prospective action a resolution of intention. Prior to proceeding on such a <br />resolution, we need a report of the Superintendent of Streets relating to vacation <br />of those streets proposed for vacation and abandonment. If this has not yet been <br />requested, I suggest you do so immediately. Prior to the date of the public hearing <br />I will be in contact with Joe Coomes to coordinate strategy in relation to under - <br />grounding of utilities. <br />of Glenn A. Forbes <br />