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Vacations - Easements, Reserves, Streets, Walkways - 1979-1981 pt1
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Vacations - Easements, Reserves, Streets, Walkways - 1979-1981 pt1
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354 EAST BAY MUN. UTILITY DIST. V. <br />RICHMOND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />93 Ca1.App.3d 346, Cal.Rptr. — <br />compelled by the federal and state Constitutions. Section 33391 is merely a <br />provision empowering a redevelopment: agency to exercise the power of <br />eminent domain without which the power could not be exercised.' <br />[Citations.] The same is true of section 33395 authorizing the agency to <br />acquire by eminent domain property already devoted to a public use: In <br />granting a public agency the power of eminent domain, the Legislature <br />may prescribe the kinds of property that may be taken as well as the <br />purpose for which property may be condemned. [Citation.] Conferral of <br />the power of eminent domain, however, does not mean the power must be <br />invoked or compensation must be paid where the agency's action does not <br />result in a constitutionally compensable taking or damaging of proper- ' <br />ty.... The city's action did not impose on the utility a burden it had not <br />already assumed when it accepted the franchise by constructing its facilities <br />in public streets. [Citation.] Thus, the required relocation cannot form the <br />basis for an action in inverse condemnation...." (Pp. 963-964, italics <br />added.) <br />By denying compensation to the utility on the broad provisions of the <br />Community Redevelopment Law, the court pointed out in Pacific Tel. & <br />Tel. Co. that when the Legislature intended that a utility be reimbursed <br />for its relocation cost, it said so in specific and direct language. The court <br />cited as 'an example the Marin County Flood Control and Water <br />Conservation District Act, which specifically prescribed that the district <br />shall " ` "in addition to the damage for the taking, injury, or destruction of <br />property, also pay the cost of removal, reconstruction or relocation of any <br />structure, railways, mains, pipes, conduits, wires, cable, poles, of any <br />public utility which is required to be moved to a new location...." <br />(Slats. 1953, ch. 666, p. 1915, 1919; ... )' " (Id., at p. 965) Similarly, the _ <br />Legislature has expressly provided for reimbursement of relocation costs 4: <br />of utility facilities maintained in freeways (Sts. & Hy. Code, §§ 702, 703), <br />relocations required by the Southern California Rapid Transit District <br />(Pub. Util. Code, § 30631) and relocations required by the Reclamation <br />Board in connection with certain flood control projects (Wat. Code, <br />§ 8617.5). <br />East Bay Muni. Utility Dist. v. Richmond Redevelopment Agency, supra, <br />51 Ca1.App.3d 789, upon which respondent primarily relies, is not _ . <br />controlling in the case at bench for several reasons.3 One, the language <br />3We must, in all fairness to the distinguished trial judge, point out that this case did <br />appear to be "controlling." Only after the instant appeal was filed was the cited decision <br />rejected in Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., supra, 75 Ca1.App.3d 957, and City of San Pablo v. East <br />Bav :Nun. Utility Dist. (1977) 75 Ca1.App.3d 609 [142 Cal.Rptr. 2561, infra. <br />[May 1979] <br />
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