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Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, being a portion of Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street <br />and West Estudillo Avenue, formerly Ward Street, as said streets are <br />shown on the "Map of the Town of San Leandro" filed February 27, 1855 <br />in Book 2 of Maps at Page 43, Alameda County Records, and being further <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of southwest line of East 14th Street, <br />formerly Hayward Avenue, with the soutneast line of West Estudillo Avenue; <br />thence southwesterly along the last said line, 99.05 feet to the north- <br />east line of Washington Avenue; thence southeasterly along the last <br />said line 300.00 feet to the northwest line of West Joaquin Avenue, for- <br />merly Hepbuwn Street; thence along the southwesterly prolongation of the <br />last said line, 60.00 feet to the southwest line of Washingfon Avenue; <br />thence northwesterly along the last said line, 300.00 feet to the southeast <br />line of West Estudillo Avenue; thence southwesterly along the last said <br />line 289.00 feet; thence northwesterly at right angles to the last said <br />lime, 80.60 feet to the northwest line of West Estudillo Avenue; thence <br />northeasterly along the last said line 289.00 feet to the southwest line <br />of Washington Avenue; thence northwesterly along the last said line 300.00 <br />feet to the southeast line of Davis Street; thence northeasterly, easterly, <br />and southeasterly along a curve, tangent to the the last said line and <br />concage to the south, having a radius of 30.00 feet, through a central angle <br />of 70 40' 16" a distance of 37.00 feet to the northwest prolongation of <br />the southwest line of East 14th Street; thence southeasterly along the <br />last said line 82.76 feet to the northeast line of Washington Avenue; <br />thence southeasterly along the last said line 201.83 feet to the northwest <br />line of West Estudillo Avenue; thence northeasterly along the last line <br />70.79 feet to the southwest line of East 14th Street; thence southeasterly <br />along the southeast prolongation of the last said line 85.41 feet to the <br />BLGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 65,366 square feet, more or <br />less <br />LD 77-47 <br />Dwg. 617, Case 1603 <br />Washington/West Estudillo Abandonment Ex H 10 / T 15 <br />City <br />