`• W. o. 1635
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<br />No. P.R.C. 1411.9
<br />For such sole and exclusive purpose, and subject to such terms,
<br />conditions, restrictions, reservations, and limitations as are herein set
<br />forth:
<br />The State of California, hereinafter designated as the State,
<br />acting through the State Lands Commission and pursuant to the authority
<br />contained in Division 6 of the Public Resources Code and the rules and
<br />regulations adopted thereunder, does hereby convey, demise and let to
<br />City of San Leandro , State of California, beginning
<br />July 12, 1954 , a right-of-way easement over, in, and upon
<br />those certain tide and submerged lands situated in the County of
<br />Alameda. , State of California, and more particularly described
<br />as follows:
<br />A strip of land, 300 feet in width, and 11,500 feet, more or less, in
<br />length, lying in San Francisco Bay, perallel to and immediately adjacent
<br />and baywardly of the most westerly subdivision boundary line, across
<br />Sections 32 and 33, T. 2 S., R. 3 `ni., 'F.D.! ., and Sections 4 and 9,
<br />T. 3 S., H. 3 W., ;.11.I•., as shown on Tide Land Comr:issioner's Map
<br />No. 1 of Alamede County, dated 1871, filed in the office of the Division
<br />of State Lands in Los Angeles, and having the following metes and bounds
<br />description:
<br />Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 24 in Section 33, T. 2 S...
<br />R. 3 W•, •D.r' ., as said lot is shown on "Sale reap No. 10 of
<br />Salt Marsh and Tide Lands, situate in the County of Alameda,
<br />State of California", filed June 9, 1668 in the office of the
<br />County Recorder of Alameda County in heap Book 17, page 30;
<br />thence along the westerly boundary line of Tide Lots as they
<br />are designated on said map, S 210 48' E 7108.20 fest; thence
<br />S 330 41' E 4085.51 feet; thence S 440 :v 307.06 feet; thence
<br />N 33' 41' W 4182.23 feet; thence ? 210 48, 7368.17 feet; thence
<br />N 730 30' 40" E 52.27 feet; thence S 690 43' E 334.09 feet to
<br />the point of beginning.
<br />4150
<br />51.2
<br />