<br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda., ;',r;4�r of
<br />California, described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the most northwestern corner r{ 0,at parcel of land
<br />described in the quitclaim deed from Oakland Scavenger Company,
<br />a California corporation, to Sequoyah Land Ass^^fates, a California
<br />corporation, dated February 8, 1960, recorded Nay 2, 1960, or; Real
<br />37, Image 758, Official Records of Alameda County; thence along the
<br />general western line of said parcel of land, south 5° 09' 04" west
<br />729.66 feet to the most western corner 'i:creof . last_ said corner
<br />being on the general eastern line of the parcel of lanrl described
<br />in the quitclaim ::ced from Sarah C. Mendonca. and Sequa;ah Land
<br />Associates to Oakland Scavenger Company, dated February 8, 1960,
<br />recorded March 2, 1960, on Reel. 37, Image 764, Official Records of
<br />Alameda County, last said point being also onthe northern line of
<br />the parcel of land described i.n the deed from Oakland Scavenger
<br />Company to T. K. McManus, et al, dated February 19, 1963, recorded
<br />February 27, 1963, on Reel 811, Image 323, Official Records of
<br />Alameda County, distant thereon north 82' 32'-' 45' west 305.08 feet
<br />from the terminus of the preceding course therein designated as )-i,):-h
<br />10° 38' west 201.31 feet; thence south 23' 21' 06" east 1261.56
<br />to the southwestern corner of the parcel of land described in the
<br />quitclaim deed from Oakland Scavenger Company to Sarah C. Mesldonca, a
<br />widow, dated February 8, 1960, recorded March 2, 1960', on Reel 37,
<br />Image 754, Official Records of Alameda County, last said corner being
<br />at the northeastern corner of the parcel of land described in -k-be
<br />quitclaim deed from "ahert C. Joughin and Janet M. Joughin, his wife,
<br />to Oakland Scavergc.: 'cnpany, dated March 13, 1.962, recorded
<br />March 13, 1962, on feel 535, Image 196, Official Records cf Alameda
<br />County; thence along the eastern line of the last mentioned parcel
<br />of land, south 9° 40" 16" east 92.017 feet to the southeastern line
<br />of Lot 1, B':.,xk Z, as said lot and block are on the map of
<br />Mulford Gardens Addition, filed February 1, in Book 7 of Maps,
<br />page 55, Alameda County Records; thence along the said southeastern
<br />line of. Lot 1, south 63' 18' 44" west 34.819 feet to its intersection
<br />with a line drawn north 8° 53' 13" west from a point on the centerline
<br />of Marina Boulevard, distant along said centerline, south 63' 18' 47"
<br />west 306.94 feet from the centerline of Neptune Drive, formerly Bay
<br />Street, as shown on said map of Mulford Gardens Addition; thence along
<br />the line so drawn, south 8" 53' 13" east 310.88 feet to the north-
<br />eastern corner of the parcel of land described in the deed from Gakla:Id
<br />Scavenger Company to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation,
<br />dated.March 12, 1958, and recorded March 20, 1958, in Book 8625; page 1,
<br />Official Records of Alameda County; thence along the northern line
<br />of said parcel, north 88' 57' 30' west 528.214 feet to the northeastern
<br />corner of Lot 15, Section 4, Township 3 South, Parole 3 West, Mount
<br />Diablo Base and Meridian, as said" lot is shownn on a' le Map No. 10 of
<br />Salt Marsh and Tidelands, filed June 9, 1888, in. Tr`'''. 17 of Maps,
<br />page 30, Alameda County Records; thence along the lire
<br />of said parcel, south 16' 42' 58" west 1075.41 feet. ::o the south--
<br />western corner of said parcel, said corner being on the southern
<br />line of the parcel of land described in the deed from Bank of America
<br />National Trust and Savings Association to Oakland Scavenger Company,
<br />dated June 11, 1948, and recorded June 15, 1948, in Rook. 5529, page
<br />349, Official Records of Alameda County; thence along said southern
<br />lire, north 88' 57' 30" west 2859.30 feet to the northeastern line
<br />of the territory annexed to the City of San Leandro by Ordi.nanre No.
<br />976 N.S., as shown on the map filed July 29, 1.955, in- M=tp Book 32,
<br />page 94A, Alameda County Records; thence along; said northeastern
<br />PP! c 1. rr
<br />70-=16 815 2
<br />