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bchedule C Continued <br />Pa -e 2 <br />north 89' 34' east along; said line of Lewelling Boulevard, 98.40 feet, <br />more or less, to a point distant thereon, south 89' 34' west, 100 feet <br />from the point of intersection thereof, with the western line of Hes- <br />nerian Boulevard; thence north 00 11' west parallel with said line of <br />Hespe.rian Boulevard, 100 feet:. thence north 89' 34' east parallel with <br />said line of Lewellinq Boulevard, 100 feet to anoint on said western <br />line of Hesnerian Boulevard; thence along the last mentioned line north <br />00 11' west, 2028.18 feet, more or less, to the actual point of. commence- <br />ment ; <br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM, that portion thereof, described in the Final Order <br />of Condemnation dated March 29, 1955, in Action entitled "The People of <br />the State of California, actin_; by and through the Department of Public <br />:,:corks, vs. D. Brunetti, et al.", recorded March 29, 1955, in book 7613 <br />of Official Records of Alameda County, nae 429 ; <br />ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFRO.I, all that portion thereof lying southerly, south- <br />easterly and easterly of the northerly, northwesterly and westerly lines of <br />that narcel of land described in the Final Order of. Condemnation dated march <br />29, 1955, in Action entitled "The People of the State of California, acting <br />by and throuh the Department of Public '.�Iorks, vs. D. Brunetti, et al.". <br />recorded March 29, 1955 in Book 7613 of Official Records of Alameda. County, <br />page 429; <br />ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROI%1, that portion thereof conveyed to Alameda County <br />Flood Control and [dater Conservation District by deed recorded April 21, <br />1965 in Reel 1486, Image 120 of Official Records, described as follo:,rs: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the general southeastern line of the tract <br />of land described in the quitclaim deed by D. Brunetti, trustee, to Twin <br />Nurseries, dated October 10, 1957, recorded October 15, 1957, in book 3495 <br />of Official Records of Alameda County, at nave 265, (1111-102740) , with a <br />line drawn parallel with and distant at right anmles southwesterly 150 feet <br />from the center line of Central Pacific Railroad, fbr,nerrly Western Pacific <br />Railroad, right of way 100 feet wide; running; thence along said na_rallel <br />line so drawn south 410 14' 58" east 19.77 feet (the bearinc, of said parallel <br />line being, taken as south 410 14' 58" east for the purpose of making; this <br />description); thence south 37' 20' 02" west 275.36 feet; thence south 440 55' <br />43vest 15. 13 feet; thence south 371 20' 02" west 545. 61 feet-, thence tangent <br />to the last named course southwesterly on a curve to the right, with 'a radius <br />of 120 feet; a distance of 111.17 feet; thence tangent to the last said curve <br />north 89' 35' 13" west 824.73 feet; thence north 811' 58' 28" west 94.21 feet <br />to the intersection with the eastern line of Eastshore Freeway, described in <br />Parcel 5, in the deed to State of California, dated June 11, 1952, recorded <br />December 2, 1952, in book 6888 of Official Records of Alameda County, at tame <br />367, (AG/992119); thence along said last named line, northwesterly on the arc <br />of a curve to the left, with a radius of 1200 feet, a distance of 20.23 feet <br />more or.less, to the intersection with said general southeastern line <br />of the tract of land first above referred to; thence along said last <br />named line, the folloiaing courses and distances: south 89' 35' 13" east <br />971.01 feet, north 90 58' 144" east 13.44 feet; thence northeasterly on <br />a curve to the left with a radius of 100 feet, the center of which bears <br />north 29' 39' 22" west a distance of 110.16 feet; thence tangent to last <br />said curve north 3711 20' 02"' east 801.48 feet, thence tangent to the <br />