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Schedule C Continued <br />"a e 3 <br />last named course northeasterly o,.l a curve to the right ,-rith a radius <br />of 100 feet, a distance of 16.32 feet; thence tangent to. last said curve <br />north 460 41' 29"'east 14.13 feet to the point of beginnin`;. <br />ALSO EXCEPTI-NG ^iiEREFROiT, that portion thereof condemned to City <br />of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, by final order.of con- <br />demnation in Superior Court, Alameda County,'Case #388707, a cer- <br />tified cony thereof, being recorded October 22, 1970 in Reel 2710' <br />Image 020, which describes said portion as a portion of that certain <br />tract of land described in the deed recorded "Tay 25, 1949, in Volume <br />5806, Pa-e 57, Official Records of Alameda County, described as <br />f of lo14s : <br />Beginning at a point on the western line of Hesperian 3oulevard, <br />66 feet wide, at the northern terminus of the course designated as <br />"south 50 47' 47" west 238.04 feet" in Parcel 3 of the Final Order of <br />Condemnation No. 258105, recorded March 29, 1955, in Volume 7613, <br />Page 429, Official Records of Alameda County; thence along the general <br />northwestern line of said parcel 3 south 60 19' 58" west 238.02 feet <br />to a tangent curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius of 20 <br />feet, and a. central angle of 84' 34' 23"; thence alonm said curve <br />southwesterly, westerly, and northwesterly 29.52 feet -to a tangent <br />line; thence alon`; said tanr�-ent line, north 899 05' 39" arrest 109.37 <br />feet to a tangent curve concave to the southeast, having a radius of <br />200 feet, and a central anc-le of 38' 50' 47"; thence alon7 said curve <br />northwesterly, westerly, and southwesterly 135.60 feet to -a point on <br />cusp_ with a tangent line; thence along said tangent line, north <br />521 03' 34" east 94.04 feet; thence south 891 05' 39" east 165.36 <br />feet; thence north 6° 23' 42" east 256.12 feet to the northern line <br />of that certain parcel of land containing 0.50 of an acre described <br />in the deed by California Packing; Corporation to D. Brunetti, a <br />single man, dated February 28, 1944, and recorded April 19, 1944, <br />in Book 4506, Pave 368, Official Records of Alameda County; thence <br />along said northern line, south e8' 58' 39" east 14.14 feet to the <br />aforementioned western line of Hesperian Boulevard; thence along <br />said western line of Hesperian Boulevard, south 0° 54' 21" west-14.61 <br />feet to the point of beginning; <br />SUBJECT TO and reserving to defendant D. Brunetti, a right of access, <br />appurtenant to the remainin-; contiguous lands of defendant D. Brunetti, <br />to Hesperian Boulevard over and across a line described in Exhibit B. <br />attached hereto and incorporated and made a part hereof by reference <br />and the right to construct a signalized intersection to City specifications <br />at Hesperian Boulevard north of the existing; offramo from State Route 238 <br />and to construct a street from said intersection to a relocated offrarnn <br />from State Route 238. <br />EXHIBIT B: Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follovTs : <br />Commencing at the intersection of the western line of Hesperian Boulevard, <br />66 feet wide, with the northern line of that certain parct-1 of land containinr.; <br />0.50 of an acre described in the deed by California. Pac',ci_ng Corporation to <br />11 <br />