ochedule C Continued
<br />Page
<br />4
<br />D. 3runetti, a single ::pan, dated February 283 1944, and recorded April-1_1.
<br />1944, in 300l�- �450' 0, na
<br />cre 363, Official Records of Alameda County,*; thence
<br />_
<br />alone; said northern line, north 830 58' 39" . ^rest 14.14 feet to the actual
<br />point of be?inr_in-;; thence south 6° 23' 42 ` west 199.62 feet.
<br />PARCEL 2:
<br />All that certain land described as Parcel 2 in the deed to D. Brunetti,
<br />a single man, recorded July 14, 1954 in Book 7370, Pa-e 595 of Official
<br />Records and described as follows:
<br />Be-innin? for reference at the northeastern corner of that cerain tract
<br />of land described in the deed from Antonio Pettiti, et ux., to the State
<br />of California recorded August 11, 1950 in Volume 6192, paz e 381. Official
<br />Records of Alameda County; thence along the western line of the E. T.
<br />Crane property as referred to in said deed north 00 01' ?rest (called south
<br />in said deed), 137.69 feet to the true point of commencement thence
<br />continuing along said western line north 00 01' wrest, 403.37 feet to the
<br />line common to the properties, now or formerly of tIathilda A. Hy?elund,
<br />et al., and of Alameda County -East Bay Title Insurance Company; thence
<br />continuing alone; the eastern line of said lands now.or formerly of Alameda
<br />County -East Bay Title Insurance Company, north 00 01' west 332.95 feet
<br />to the northern line thereof; thence running along the northern line of
<br />said lands south 890 23' 05" west 971.01 feet to the northeastern corner
<br />of that certain parcel of land described in Parcel 5 of that certain
<br />deed from D. Brunetti, trustee, and D. Brunetti, to State of California,
<br />dated June 11, 1952 and recorded December 2, 1952, under Recorder's
<br />Series AG/99249, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County;
<br />running thence along the northeastern line of said Parcel from a tangent, whic'-
<br />bears south 170 13' 34" east on a curve to the right having a radius of
<br />1200.00 feet, an arc distance of 111.64 feet to the northwestern corner of
<br />that certain parcel of land as described in Parcel 2 of the deed- from
<br />State of California to D. Brunetti., a. single man, and D. Brunetti, as
<br />trustee, dated October: 29, 1952 and recorded December 2, 1052, under
<br />Recorder's Series AG/99250, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda
<br />County; thence from a tangent that bears south 110 53' 45" east along a. cur-r
<br />to the right with a radius of 1200.00 feet through an angle 3° 36' 47", an
<br />arc distance of 72.18 feet to a point of reverse curvature;. thence from a.
<br />tangent that bears south 80 26' 56" east, along a curve to the left
<br />with a radius of 505 feet through an angle of 320 33' 16" an arc distance
<br />of 286.93 feet to a point of compound curvature; thence fr. orl a tangent which
<br />bears south 410 00' 14" east along a curve to the left igi.th a radius of 25
<br />feet through an angle of 690 04' 24", an arc distance of 30.14 feet to a. poi
<br />l.
<br />of reverse 'curva.ture ; thence from a tangent t)zat bears north 690 55' 22" ea..
<br />along a curve to the right with a radius of 65 feet; through an angle of
<br />1360 50` 47", an arc distance of 155.25 feet to a point of reverse
<br />curvature; thence fro:;, a tangy_,•ent that bears south 260 46' 09" west alon':
<br />a curve to the left with a radius of 25 feet, through an ano;le of
<br />840 05' 12", an arc distance of 36.69 feet to a point, of compound
<br />curvature; thence from a tansgent that bears south 570 19' 03" east,
<br />alone* a cure to the left v.ith a radius of 930 feet; through an
<br />angle of 19' 50' 54", an arc distance of 322.17 feet to a point of
<br />co-tlpound_ curvature; thence from a tan^gent that bears south 770 09' 57"
<br />east, along a curve to the left with a radius of 3.500 feet, through -an
<br />an -le of 150 22' 367', an arc distance of 402.56 feet to the true point
<br />of commencei;ient ;
<br />