<br />7. Release and relinquishment to the State of California of any and all
<br />abutters rights of ingress and egress, contained in instrument
<br />Recorded: December 2, 1952, Book 6888, Page 375, Official Records.
<br />Affects: The southern and western lines of Parcel 2, except the
<br />most northern 111.64 feet thereof and provided however,
<br />that said real property shall abut upon and have access
<br />to a frontage road over and across the five curves de-
<br />scribed above with lengths of 72.18 feet, 286.93 feet,
<br />30.14 feet, 155.25 feet and 36.69 feet which frontage
<br />road is connected with said freeway only at such points
<br />as were established by public authority
<br />8. Release and relinquishment to the State of California of any and all
<br />abutters rights of ingress and egress, contained in instrument
<br />Recorded: March 29, 1955, Book 7613, Page 429, Official Records
<br />Affects: All of the southern, southeastern and eastern lines of
<br />Parcel 1 except the northern 184.91 feet along the most
<br />eastern line thereof
<br />9. Easement for sanitary sewer pipes, ingress and egress purposes, and
<br />incidents thereto, granted to Oro Loma Sanitary District in the instrument
<br />Recorded: June 28, 1955, Book 7703, Page 545, Official Records
<br />Affects: The approximate southern and southwestern 10 feet of the
<br />northern and northeastern 60 feet of said Parcel 1
<br />10. Easement for subterranean storm drain pipe purposes, and incidents
<br />thereto, granted to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation
<br />District, a body corporate, in the instrument
<br />Recorded: October 21, 1955, Book 7820, Page 565, Official Records
<br />Affects: The northern and northeastern 10 feet of Parcel 1
<br />11. Release and relinquishment to City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation,
<br />of any and all abutters rights of ingress and egress, contained in instrument
<br />Recorded: October 22, 1970, Reel 2716, Image 826, Official Records
<br />Affects: The courses described in the legal description with the lengths
<br />of 94.04 feet, 165.36 feet, and the southern 56.50 feet of the
<br />course described with the length of 256.12 feet; and any and all
<br />abutters rights other than access appurtenant to said remaining
<br />property in and to said freeway
<br />12. Deed of Trust to secure an indebtedness of $9,500.000.00, and any other
<br />amounts payable under the terms thereof,
<br />Dated: March 24, 1971
<br />Trustor: L.B. Nelson Corporation, a corporation
<br />Trustee: Palo Alto Financial Corporation, a California corporation
<br />Beneficiary: Palo Alto -Salinas Savings and Loan Association, a California
<br />corporation, Golden West Savings and Loan Association, a Cali-
<br />fornia corporation, Security Savings and Loan Association, a
<br />California corporation, and Fidelity Savings and Loan Associ-
<br />ation, a California corporation
<br />Recorded: March 26, 1971, Series No. 71-34929
<br />Request for copies of any Notices of Default or Sale under the Deed of Trust
<br />hereinbefore referred to,
<br />Mail to: Union Bank, Attention Note Department ,
<br />Address: 455 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California
<br />Recorded: March 26, 1.971, Series No. 71-34931
<br />