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Ch. 1339 STATUTES AND CODE AMENDMENTS <br />in the county in which the property is located, of its intent to dispose o e prop- <br />erty and offer such land for sale to such housing authority or auth ties at fair <br />market value. <br />The provisions of Section 54"-5 shall apply to such housing thority if it elects <br />to purchase the property. <br />SEC. 3. Section 54227 is added to the Government de, - to read: <br />54227. <br />In the event that the state or any local agency posing of surplus land receives <br />offers for the purchase of such land from mor han one of the entities to which <br />notice and an opportunity to purchase must given pursuant to this article, the <br />state or local agency shall have discretion to which offer to accept. <br />SEC. 4. Section 54230 is added to the overnment Code, to read: <br />54230. <br />The board of supervisors of a county may establish a central inventory of all <br />surplus governmental property Gated in such county. <br />SEC. 5. Section 54230.5 added to the Government Code, to read: <br />54230.5 <br />The failure by the ate or a local agency to comply with the provisions of this <br />article shall not in idate the transfer or conveyance of real property to a pur- <br />chaser or encumb ncer for value. <br />SEC. 6. No ithstanding Section 2231 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, there <br />shall be no bursement pursuant to this section nor shall there be any appropria- <br />tion made this act because the duties, obligations or responsibilities imposed on <br />local gov nment by this act are minor in nature and will not cause any financial <br />burden o local government. <br />A roved and filed. Sept. 26, 1974. <br />EASEMENTS —VACATION OR ABANDONMENT <br />CHAPTER 1340 <br />SENATE BILL NO. 2410 <br />An act to add Section 812.5 to the Civil Code, relating to servitudes. <br />LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST <br />Provides that the vacation or abandonment pursuant to law, <br />of any street or highway shall extinguish all public easements <br />therein, except as to a local agency as specified. <br />Defines various terms for purposes of act. <br />Provides no appropriation nor reimbursement made to local <br />governmental entities by act as costs, duties, obligations, and re- <br />sponsibilities are minor in nature. <br />The people of the State of California do enact as follows: <br />SECTION 1. Section 812.5 is added to the Civil Code, to read: <br />812.5 <br />As used in this section, "local agency" means a city or special district as defined <br />in Section 54M of the Government Code and "public body" means it city, county, <br />or city and county. <br />3836 Changes or additions in text are Indicated by underline <br />