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Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of Lots 3 and 14 as said <br />lots are shown on the "Map of the Hemme Tract", filed October 1, <br />1889, in Book 9 of Maps at page 33, Alameda County Records, <br />described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the southwest line of Carpentier <br />Street and the southeast line of Williams Street as shown on said <br />ma$; thence along the said southeast line of Williams Street south <br />62 west 196.47 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along <br />a tangent curve concave to the east having a radius of 30 feet <br />through a central angle of 111007' a distance of 58.18 feet; <br />thence along a tangent to said curve south 49*07' east 122.83 <br />feet; thence south 51052'51" west 22.41 feet to a line drawn <br />parallel with and 78 feet northeasterly at right angles from the <br />northeast line of the Western Pacific Railroad Co. right of way, <br />80 feet wide, as said parallel line is described in the deed <br />from William H. Kerry, et. al., to the Redevelopment Agency of <br />the City of San Leandro, recorded March 13, 1961 in Reel 282 at <br />Image 535, Alameda County Records; thence along said parallel <br />line north 49007' west 112.47 feet; thence along a tangent curve <br />concave to the east, having a radius of 40 feet, through a central <br />angle of 1110071, a distance of 77.57 feet to said southeast line <br />of Williams Street; thence along the last said line north 620east <br />9.00 feet to the TRUE POINT DF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 3369 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />LD 71-23 <br />Dwg• 545 Case 1602 <br />San Leandro Blvd. Widening <br />Parcel 22 <br />