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Whiereas, the City Clerk of this City also duly caused written notice <br />of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land with- <br />in the territory proposed to be ari exed is assessed on the last eTialized <br />county assessment roll or known tc said Clerk, and also to each and every <br />person who has flied his name and address and the designation of the lands <br />in which he has a_� interest, either legal or equitable, with the Clerk; <br />and <br />Whereas, the hour set in said resolution for hearing objections to <br />the proposed annexation, to -wit: the hour of 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, September <br />11, 1956, has arrived and no owner of property within the territory pro- <br />posed to be annexed or any person whatever has filed written or other <br />protest against the proposed annexation at the place set forth in said <br />resolution, to -wit: The Council Chambers of the City Council, City Hall, <br />San Leandro, California, or at any other place known to this Council, and <br />no protests have been made to this Council for hearing at this time.; and <br />Whereas, this Co,.:rzcll, therefore, finds that protest is not made by <br />the owner or owners of any property within,. the territory proposed to be <br />annexed: <br />Tlow, therefore, the Catty Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />ORDAIN as follows: <br />Section 1. The annexation of the San Leandro In6astrial District, <br />Unit No. 70 (American Blower Corporation), herein referred to, is hereby <br />approved. <br />Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to make, under the <br />seal of this City, and transmit to the Secretary of State, a certified <br />copy of this Ordinance and to comply with the Affidvait of Completion Law, <br />whereupon the territory herein referred to shall be, to all intents and <br />purposes, a part of this City, and such annexed territory shall be tweed <br />to pay its proper pro rats of all indebtedness and liability of thie City <br />contracted prior to or existing at the time of such annexation. <br />Section 3. The boundaries ,of the territory annexed are specifically <br />described as follows: <br />All that lot of land situated in the township of Eden, county of <br />Alameda, state of California, described as follows: <br />