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F <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA <br />August 7, 1956 <br />Mr. Harry E. Peet, <br />Production Manager <br />American Molding Company <br />355 Fremont Street <br />San Francisco 5, California <br />Dear Mr. Peet: <br />Following up my letter of August 6th: <br />The City Council refused to approve a contract for City <br />services until formal action had been taken by your Company <br />for annexation. May I suggest, therefore, that you use all <br />means in your power to have signed and returned to us the pa- <br />pers we forewarded some time ago. <br />Judging from past action of the Council, I would not <br />expect it to approve this contract until your proposal for <br />annexation had been submitted to and reported upon by the <br />Alameda County Boundary Commission and your petition for an- <br />nexation to the City being filed with the City Clerk immedi- <br />ately thereafter. This will take approximately three weeks <br />from the date of filing of your proposal with the Boundary <br />Commission. <br />Very truly yours, , <br />a'c " I <br />Arthur M. Carden, <br />City Attorney <br />AMC:sc <br />