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AM. -TRUCE FQEWARDLNa CO., INC. <br />ANN-'-XATION <br />Commencing on the southeastern line of First Avenue at the most <br />northern corner of the territory annexed to the City of San Leandro <br />by 0rdinawe NO, 1103 N.3, and shown on the map delineating said <br />territory filed Decenber 16, 1957 in Book L0 of baps, page 15A, <br />Alas»da County Records, being also on the City of San Leandro boundary <br />AS established by Ordinance No, 758 N,3. and shown on the map delin- <br />eating said boundary tiled June 25, 190 in Book 16 of Maps, page 42, <br />Alameda County Records; thence northeasterly 351.80 feet, more or <br />lees, along the southeast line of First Avenue and City boundary to <br />a corner of the territory annexed by said Ordinance No. 758 N.S., <br />being the ACTUAL POINT OF BE(}INNIIVG; thence south 280 00' east 993.66 <br />feet along the southweste!^n line of torn <br />said territory to the northwes <br />line of the territory annexed to the City of San Leandro by Ordinance <br />No. 8Z15 N.3. and shown on the map delineating said territory filed <br />November 16, 1951 in Book 32 of Maps, page 27, Alameda County Records; <br />thence southwesterly 100 feet along �he northwestern line of the last <br />mentioned territory] thence north 28 00' West 993.66 feet to the <br />said southeastern line of First Avenue; thence northeasterly 100 feet <br />along the last mentioned line to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 2.28 acres, more <br />or less. <br />n2L,yc LESAL <br />DYPLETE <br />LD 58-M <br />