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z <br />DESCRIPTION OF LAND PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY <br />OF SAN LRANDROs <br />COMM1siVCE at the intersection of the southeastern line <br />Of 98tho formerly Jonoa, Avenue With the southwestern line <br />of the land shown on the neap of "Tract 669, Oakland, <br />A- RMOda -'ou;zty, California% filed October 25, 1943 in <br />book 8 of Maps at paces 64 and 65, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda County; run thence along said <br />line of 98th Avenue, south 620 15, 40" West 400 feet ba the <br />northeastern line of the 20 acre tract of land firstly <br />described in the deed by C. R. Adana and Anna G. Admus to <br />Lucky Stores, Inc., dated October 30, 1947, recorded <br />November 14, 1947 in book 5313 of Official Records of <br />Alameda County at page 253; thence along the last said line <br />and along the direct extension thereof, south 60. 14, 20" <br />east 9 6.17 feet; and thence north 29•�451 40" east 349.45 <br />feat to a point on the southwestern line of the land "ma <br />on said map of Tract 669, said point being the actual <br />poitnt of beginning of this description; thence al the last said line the following two course distances south 62* 41' east 170.73 feet and south 75' 00, eaat 460 <br />feet to the northern boundary of the City of San Leandro as <br />established by Ordinance No. 723 Y.S. of the City Council <br />of the City of San Leandro and *Sap Delineating <br />Territory Annexed to the City of San Leandrot��f��dof <br />December 12, 1946 in book 9 of lSspa at page 46 in th© office <br />of the County Recorder of A.laaeda County; thence along said <br />boundary westerly to a point in a line drama south 299 45 <br />40" west from said actual point of beginning; <br />said line so dram northeasterl ,mthence ss., <br />said actual 7 290 feet, more or less, 1 <br />point of beginning. <br />Containing 1.9 Acres, mre or less. <br />