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December 10, 1959 <br />Mr. W. H. Brailsford <br />Wagener, Brailsford, Jewett & Lynch <br />Bank of America Building <br />Oakland 12, California <br />Re: Bigge - Annexation and Detach- <br />ment of uninhabited territory <br />Dear Mr. Brailsford: <br />San Leandro, and I understand Oakland, are now <br />ready to proceed with the annexation and de - <br />annexation of the properties referred to in <br />your letter of August 28, 1959, addressed to <br />the City Clerk of San Leandro. <br />San Leandro requires that the owners of property <br />being annexed to San Leandro assume a proper pro <br />rata of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of <br />the City. <br />I would, therefore, request that you have your <br />client execute an agreement whereby it agrees to <br />pay its proper pro rate of the existing bonded <br />indebtedness of the City of San Leandro. <br />Upon receipt of this consent we are now ready to <br />proceed with the annexation. <br />Very truly yours, <br />Arthur M. Carden <br />City Attorney <br />AMC: aw <br />