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LEGAL D ?TION OF TERRITORY BETWEEN LAI. SHABOT <br />ROAD AN t OF OAKLAND PROPOSED TO BE AN1m_ ED TO <br />THE CITY OF' SAN LEANDRO <br />BEGINNING at a point on the City of San Leandro boundary line as established <br />by Ordinance No. 960 N.S. and as shown on that certain map entitled "MAP <br />DELINEATING BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO.$ CALIFORNIA, <br />BY ORDINANCE NOS 960 N.S. UNDER ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY ACT OF 1939", <br />filed January 31, 1955 in Book 32 of Maps, page 61A, Records of Alameda County, <br />California, said point being also the point of intersection of the southeast ling; <br />of East Juana Avenue with the southwest line of Lake Chabot Road, known also as <br />County Road No. 7759, as said avenue and road existed March 4, 19579 thence in a <br />general southeasterly direction along the said City of San Leandro boundary line <br />and said southwest line of Lake Chabot Road to the most northeast corner of the <br />territory annexed to the City of San Leandro by said Ordinance No. 960 N.S., said <br />corner being also on the eastern boundary line of the Rancho San Leandro; thence <br />in a general northerly direction along the said eastern boundary line of the <br />Rancho San Leandro and its prolongation to its intersection with the City of <br />Oakland boundary line as established by Resolution No. 35846, filed December 82 <br />1909 in the Office of the Secretary of State; thence in a general westerly direction <br />along the said City of Oakland boundary line to its intersection with the City of <br />Sari Leandro boundary line in Mac Arthur Boulevard, as said boundary lines existed <br />March 4, 1957; thence southerly along the said City of San Leandro boundary line <br />to the most northwestern corner of the territory annexed to the City of San Leandro <br />by Ordinance No. 560 N. b., as described in said ordinance and being a quasi -record <br />in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of San Leandro; thence along the City <br />of San Leandro boundary line established by said Ordinance No, 560 the following <br />bearings and distances: north 700 48' 35" east 348.74 feet, south 300 57' 03" east <br />67.42 feet, and north 470 14' S5" east 219.70 feet to the most western corner of <br />the territory annexed to the City of San Leandro by Ordinance No. 822 N. S. and <br />as shown on that certain map entitled "NiAP DELINEATING BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY ANNEXED <br />TO THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, BY ORDINANCE NO 822 N. S, UNDER ANNEXATION <br />OF' UNINHABITED TERRITORY ACT OF 1939", filed April 6, 1951 in Book 29 of Maps, page <br />86, Records of Alameda County, California, said corner being also on the southeast <br />line of Estudi.11o Avenue, 66.00 feet wide, as said avenue existed March 4, 1957; <br />thence north 470 14' 55" east 50.00 feet along the City of San Leandro boundary line <br />as established by said ordinance No, 822 N. S. and along said southeast line of <br />Estudillo Avenue to the most western corner of the territory annexed to the City of <br />San Leandro by Ordinance No. 858 N, Sr and as shown on that certain map entitled <br />"MAP DELINEATING BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO) CALIFORNIA, <br />BY ORDINANCE NO. 858 N. S. UNDER ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY ACT OF 1939", <br />filed January 31, 1952 in Book 32 of Maps, page 44, Records of Alameda County, <br />California; thence along the City of San Leandro boundary line as established by <br />said Ordinance No. 858 `�. S, the following bearings and distances north 470 14' <br />55" east 396.62 feet, south 350 26' 00" east 271.79 feet, south 540 46' 35" west <br />150,00 feet, north 350 26' 00" west 80.01 feet, south 520 10' 36" west 110.09 feet, <br />and'south 350 261 00" east 150-00 feet to the City of Sari Leandro boundary line as <br />established by Ordinance No. 56u N. 6., said boundary line being also the northwest <br />line of Bandelin Avenue, 50.00 feet wide, as said avenue existed March 4, 1957; <br />thence along the City of San Leandro boundary line as established by said Ordinance <br />No., 560 N. S�, the following bearings and distances: north 540 46' 35" east 160.00 <br />feet and south 350 26' 00" east 400.00 feet to the City of San Leandro boundary line <br />as established by Ordinance No. 859 N. S� and as shown on that certain map entitled <br />"MAP DELINEATING BOUNDARY OF TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OP' SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, <br />BY ORDINANCE NO. 859 N. S. UNDER ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY ACT OI, 1939", <br />filed January 31, 1952 in Book 32 of baps, page 45, Records of Alameda County, <br />California; thence north 540 46' 35" east 10.19 feet and south 351 26' east 106�28 <br />feet along the last mentioned line to the City of San Leandro boundary line as <br />established by said Ordinance No. 960 N. 5.; thence northeasterly and northerly along <br />the last mentioned line to the point of beginning. <br />RGE:JCS Revised 5/17/57 - ss <br />