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Annexation - Davis St West Active Construction Area I Unit 94, 07-30-1979
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City Council
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Annexation - Davis St West Active Construction Area I Unit 94, 07-30-1979
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Last modified
10/26/2022 4:38:25 PM
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10/26/2022 4:35:43 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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-2- <br />(g) The point of beginning of the legal description must be shown on the map. The <br />boundaries of the subject territory must be distinctively shown on the map without obliterating <br />any essential geographic or political features. The use of yellow lines to highlight the bound- <br />aries is urged, as this color photographs as a light gray. <br />(h) All maps must be professionally drawn or copied. Rough sketches of maps or plats <br />will not be accepted. <br />(i) The computed or estimated acreage shall be set forth in the legal description or <br />on the map. <br />(j) When applicable, each description and map shall indicate that it has been <br />accepted by the local agency formation commission. <br />3. DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL FEE PROVISIONS. <br />(a) "Single area" means any separate geographical area regardless of ownership. <br />A lot, a subdivision, or a township could each be a "Single area". A "Multiple area" <br />annexation is one that involves several isolated single areas, say, several subdivisions <br />scattered around the periphery of an existing district. A "Single area" does not include <br />two areas that are contiguous at only a point or two areas that are contiguous to the ex- <br />isting boundary of a city or district but not to each other. If an "island" is created by <br />the exception of an area within a larger area, each island shall be considered a "Single <br />area". <br />(b) "Zones" include temporary zones in highway lighting districts, other zones, <br />improvement districts, or any other sub -units of a city or parent district. <br />(c) "Reorganization" includes any single action that involves two or more cities, <br />districts, or zones in any combination. A transfer or exchange of territory between cities, <br />districts, or zones would therefore be a "reorganization" under this definition. The con- <br />solidation of districts or zones does not come under this definition. If a reorganization <br />involves whole cities, districts, or zones and does not result in a cons_ i ation or merger, <br />t e total processing fee sha(I_be $25� city, district, or zone invQLed. <br />(d) If the subject territory is described entirely by sections or fractional portions <br />of sections (see Paragraph 2 (c)), compute the processing fee as if the acreage involved <br />were two acreage categories smaller. For example, the annexation of one section (640 <br />acres) would be computed under the 21 - 60 acre category. <br />(e) The fees in Section 4 of this schedule are based on the concept that any given <br />action is confined to a single county. If more than one county is involved, add $50 for <br />the second and each additional county involved. <br />(f) Maximum Fees. No single fee shall exceed $3,300. <br />(g) The processing fee shall accompany each statement unless prior arrangement <br />for quarterly payments has been made. The use of quarterly payments shall be limited to <br />those governmental entities that normally file more than 25 statements each year. Quarterly <br />payments must be made during the month following the end of each quarter. <br />
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