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gARY JOSEPH CUNHA <br />Real property in the Township of Eden, Couny: of Alameda, State <br />of California, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of Davis Street at <br />the most southern corner of the territory annexed to the City of San <br />Leandro by Ordinance No. 879 N. S. as shown on the map filed December <br />19, 1952 in Book 32 of Maps, page fJ2, Alameda County Records; thence <br />along the City of Cnn Leandro boundary line the following courses: <br />north 130 west 348.05 feet, south 760 15' west 138.62 feet, south 050 <br />09' 16" west 166.115 feet, and south 020 03' 36" west 19.25 feet; thence <br />leaving the said City of San Leandro boundary line and proceeding south. <br />130 02' 32" east 200-03 feet along the eastern line of the Southern <br />Pacific Pacific Company right-of-way to the said northwestern line <br />of Davis Street; thence north 690 30' east 197.00 feet along; the last <br />mentioned lin:. to the point of beginning. <br />VJL� <br />LD-59-50 Schedule A <br />