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DESCRIPTION OF AREA TO BE <br />DETACHED FROM THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />AND ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF OAKLAND <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the southwestern <br />boundary line of the right-of-way 60 feet wide of Southern <br />Pacific Company, a Corporation, formerly owned by South Pacific <br />Coast Railway Company, a corporation, with the southwestern <br />line of Doolittle Drive (being a portion of County Road <br />No. 1434 and formerly named Bayshore Boulevard); thence <br />southeasterly along the last mentioned line to the southerly <br />line of the 293.38 acre tract of land described in the deed <br />by John Patrick Tormey, et al., to Tormey Estate Company <br />dated July 23, 1910, recorded October 27, 1928 in book 1981 <br />of Official Records of Alameda County at page 207, said last <br />mentioned line being also the southerly line of the tract of <br />land annexed to the City of San Leandro under Ordinance No. <br />723 N.S. and as shown on the "Map Delineating Boundary of <br />Territory Annexed to the City of San Leandro, Calif. by <br />Ordinance No. 723 N.S. Under Annexation of Uninhabited Territory <br />Act of 1929," filed December 12, 1946 in book 9 of maps at page <br />46, Records of Alameda County, California; thence southwesterly, <br />and northwesterly along the said City of San Leandro Boundary <br />Lineh an the boundary line of the said 293.38 acre parcel of land to the most <br />nor�ix -section thereof with the southwestern line of said <br />Doolittle Drive; t:ience southeasterly along the last mentioned <br />line to the point of beginning. <br />Containing 13.275 acres, more or less. <br />I, the undersigned, Public .orks D1.rector oS the City of San <br />Leandro, do hereby certify that the foregoing description of area <br />to be detached from the City of San Leandro and annexed to the <br />City of I)akla.nd is a true, full, and complete desc,1 tion of said <br />territory as prepared by the Public Works Department. <br />P.amlin, Public -: orks Director <br />5/9/56-Ss <br />