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DESCRIPTION OF AREA TO BE DETACHED FROM THE CITY OF SA N LEANDRO <br />Beginning at a concrete monument set at the intersection of the <br />northeasterly extension of the center line of that portion of Maitland <br />Drive (formerly a portion of County Road No. 1434) lying within the City <br />of Oakland, with the northwesterly extension of the center line of <br />Bayshore Boulevard as the sa-me existed prior to 1940 (said Boulevard <br />formerly being a portion of County Road No. 1434 now named Doolittle <br />Drive), said monument being also at an angle'in the center line of said <br />County Road No. 1434, running; thence from said monument along the said <br />extension at the center line of Bayshore Boulevard and the center line <br />of Bayshore Boulevard South 56021t2010 East 1587.43 feet; thence leaving <br />said center line South 25006100" East 63.60 feet to a point on the <br />southwestern boundary line of the said Bayshore Boulevard said point <br />beinL; the true point of beginning of the area to be described; running <br />thence alonE the said southwestern boundary line of Bayshore Boulevard <br />South 56021120" East 29.17 feet, South 44048105" East 2011.57 feet; <br />thence leaving said southwestern boundary line south 77032100" West 527.94 <br />feet; thence north 45041155" West 507.68 feet; thence North 25006,00" <br />West 1328.17 feet to the true point of beginning. <br />4/27/56 <br />JME: jd <br />