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fL::PCRT AND itWU4,014DATION HO. 459 <br />OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY _`u UNBititi t.QKTIS;.�i�a <br />'o the Board of Supervisors <br />County of Alameda <br />Go,art house <br />Oakland, California <br />Gentlemen: <br />*iFj0;AS, there was submitted -to the Alameda County Boundary Commission on September 5, <br />1956s a proposal to annex certain territor r to the City of San Leandro, known as Portion of <br />Nast 14th :street Annex; and <br />WlvGFUA:a, the Alaneda Goitnty Iioandary Commission did at its meeting of Septerober 13, 1956, <br />give consideration to such proposal and did compare the proposed change in the boundaries of <br />said 11datric-t with those of other districts within the County and ascertained the exteat to <br />x%ich overlapping or conflicting uoundaries may result from awcth proposal, and did coiudder <br />all other factors in eonrsection with such proposal that mi_!ht be i.n iiical to the public <br />interest; <br />NOW, THL"OR ,, 132 IT 'L*iZGLV D that it is the report and re=mienjation of the Alameda <br />County Boundary Commission with respect zo the proposal to a;Lnex certain Uerrit-)ry to the <br />City of tJ'an Leandro, known as Portion of �.ast U th Street Annex: <br />1. That the description of t;ne lands be corrected to read as corrected in red on the <br />attached description. <br />2. *That proponent give consideration to the .fact that this annexation lies entirely <br />within the territory of theproposed City of Say Cit. (Alameda County Boundary <br />Commission Revort and iteooan: endation No. 370= dated October 4, 1977} - la.steat <br />Notice of intention to circulate r`etitiou was Rresented to the Cleric of tie Boars <br />of Suuervrisors on Au,;ust o, 19yG ( ordered ''filed" tiWus t 21, 1956 by the Board). <br />3. That proponent give, consideration to the fact fiat this pivposed aaaexation also <br />lies within the area of the pro,Dose: J. Paul Roberts Annex W the Citj of ;�gn <br />Leandro, acted upon April 12, 1955 by the Alameda County Boundary Commission <br />Report and ►teco=endation No. 313. No further acti.o:, nas been takeax oa <br />proposal. <br />That the Clerk of the Boundary Commission be directed to file t"us report with <br />the Board of Supervisors and to furnish cop° es thereof to the City of J c arr3ro. <br />+t�yj3 !p DKz <br />la D. <br />Chairman, Alameda Co,,Lrity Boundary Commission <br />DATZEDs S,tjober ,6 <br />