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SCHEDULE A <br />DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF EAST 14 ST. <br />PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED <br />BEGINNING at a point on the southeastern line of 150th Avenue., <br />as said avenue now exists, at the beginning of a tangent curve <br />concave to the southeast having a radius of 50.00 feet and a central <br />angle of 740 59' 40", which curve is also tangent to the southwestern <br />line of East 14th Street., as said street now exists; 100 feet wide, <br />! 5- <br />said point also being on the City of San Leandro Boundary Line as <br />- � . <br />N.S. as der ma f filed October B 1 <br />established by�rdiance No. p , 95 <br />38A5Y-4,'-- in- 5odk-� of Maps a Page A 36A and 37A� Records of Alameda, County, <br />California; thence southeasterly along said curve and along said City <br />Boundary Line to said southwestern line of East 14th Street, thence <br />southeasterly along the last mentioned line and along the said City <br />Boundary Line to the eastern line of lot 6, as per "Map of the Coelho <br />ract Eden ' awn hs p Alameda�o y California" filed December <br />CO• ''11,r-18999 <br />in S6ok 15 of maps, page 100, Records of Alameda L'ounty., <br />California; thence continuing southeasterly along the southwestern <br />line of East 14th Street to the eastern line of lot 7, as per said <br />map of Coelho Tract; thence northeasterly at right angles to the <br />intersection thereof with the northeastern line of East, 14th Street; <br />thence northwesterly along the last mentioned line to the southeastern <br />line of 150th Avenue, as said avenue now exists; thence southwesterly <br />in a direct line to the point of beginning. <br />NR <br />� S-s/7/56 <br />