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BEGINNING at a point on the southeastern line of 150th Avenue, as <br />said avenue now exists, at the beginning of a tangent curve concave to <br />the southeast having a radius of 50.00 feet and a central angle of 74' <br />59° 40aa, which curve is also tangent to the southwestern line of East <br />14th Street, as said street now exists, 100 feet wide, said point also <br />being on the. City of San Leandro Boundary Line as established by Ordin- <br />ance No. 945 N.S. as per map filed October 8, 1954 in Book 32 of Maps <br />at pages 38A, 39A, 40A, 41A, 42A, and 43A, Records of Alameda County, <br />California., thence southeasterly along said curve and along said City <br />Boundary Line to said southwestern line of East 14th Street; thence <br />southeasterly along the last mentioned line and along the said City <br />Boundary Line to the eastern line of lot 6. as per I'Map of the Coelho <br />Tract Eden TP. Alameda Co. Cali.fornia10 filed Decmeber 11, 1899, in <br />Book 15 of maps, page 100, Records of Alameda County, California; <br />thence continuing southeasterly along the southwestern line of East <br />14th Street to the eastern line of lot 7, as per said map of Coelho <br />Tract; thence northeasterly at right angles to the intersection thereof <br />with the northeastern line of East 14th Street, thence northwesterly <br />along the last mentioned line to the southeastern line of 150th Avenue, <br />as said avenue now exists; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the <br />point of beginning. <br />Section 4. A new section to be known as Section 101 is hereby added to <br />Title VII, Chapter 2, of the San Leandro Municipal Code, to read as follows. <br />"Section 101. On <br />, 1956, by Ordinance No. <br />N.S. a Portion of East 14th Street Near 150th Avenue (Unit No. 71) was annexed <br />to this City." <br />Section 5. This Ordinance shall be published once, prior to its final <br />passage, in the official newspaper of this City, and shall take effect upon <br />its adoption. <br />Introduced by Councilman <br />on the 19th <br />day of November, 1956, and passed to print by the following called votes <br />Ayes.- Councilmen: <br />Noes-. Councilmen: ( ) <br />Absents Councilmen-. ( ) <br />Attests <br />H. H. Burbank, City Clerk <br />o 0 0 0- m <br />Passed and adopted this day of <br />publication on <br />Ayes: Councilmen: <br />Noes.- Councilmen: <br />Absent: Councilmen: <br />, 1956, after <br />, 1956, by the following called votes <br />Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br />Attests <br />H. Ho Burbank, City Clerk <br />10/23/56/sc <br />