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It r <br />PETITION FOR DETACHMENT <br />TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA: <br />In accordance with the District Reorganization Act of 1965, Government <br />Code Sections 56000 et seq., the undersigned respectfully represent and <br />request as follows: <br />1. We propose that the territory hereinafter described be detached from <br />the Eden Township Hospital District. <br />2. The territory proposed to be detached is inhabited. <br />3. The exterior boundaries of said territory are described in Exhibit <br />No. 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />4. The reasons for this proposal are as follows: <br />a) No need exists for a tax supported District Hospital to serve <br />the people within the territory proposed to be detached. <br />b) There is a low use of Eden Hospital facilities by residents <br />of the area proposed to be detached. These residents have paid and are <br />paying a substantial cost for minimal usage of the facilities. <br />c) Public ambulance service to Eden Hospital is not available <br />to the citizens of the territory proposed to be detached. <br />d) On formation of the District, it was stated that "Residents of <br />this area will be given preferential service." Other hospital districts <br />give preferential_ra+t_s to district residents. No preferential service <br />of any kind has been available from the Eden Township Hospital District <br />to residents of the territory proposed to be detached. No rate differential <br />exists. <br />5. We are resident voters of the territory proposed to be detached. <br />6. We request that proceedings be taken for the proposed detachment. <br />