<br />FROM THE
<br />All of that real property situated within the boundaries of the
<br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and all
<br />that certain real property situated in the Township of Eden, County of
<br />Alameda, State of California, described as follows:
<br />COUMCING at the point of intersection of that certain course
<br />designated "south 20 341 loll east 158.26 feet, more or less," in the
<br />general easterly boundary line of that certain territory annexed to
<br />the City of San Leandro by Ordinance No. 1052. N.S., a map of which
<br />was filed June 28, 1957, in 'Gap Book 40, pa•;es 1-A and 2-A, Records of
<br />Alameda County, California, with the general southerly boundary line
<br />of Ashland County Fire Protection District, as said district was est-
<br />ablished by Resolution No. 27192 of the Board or Supervisors of Alameda
<br />County, adopted October 17,1933, and filed in Minute Book 65 at page
<br />323, said point being on the centerline of San Lorenzo Creek, and run -
<br />sing thence in a general northeasterly direction along the general
<br />southeasterly boundary line of the City of San Leandro, as said bourd-
<br />a" line was established by the following Ordinances and Resolutions
<br />and in the following order: Ordinance No. 1052 N.S., a map of which was
<br />filed June 28, 1957, in Map Book 40, pages 1-A and 2-A; Resolution No.
<br />115261 of the L?oard of Supervisors of Alameda County, a map of which
<br />was filed January 27, 1966, in Map Book 51, pages 15 and 16; Ordinance
<br />No. 945 N.S., a map of which was filed October 89 1954, in Map Book 32,
<br />pages 38A through 43A; Ordinance No. 70-46, a :nap of which was filed
<br />Dooember 16, 1970, in Map Book 60, page 72; Ordinance No. 1124 N.S., a
<br />map of which was filed June 11, 1958, in Map Book 40, ^ege 7 1A; the
<br />aforesaid Ordinance No. 945 N.S.; Ordinance No. 1026 N.S., a man of
<br />which was filed January 14, 1957, in Yap Book 40, page e5; Ordinance No.
<br />944 N.S., a map of which was filed October 8, 1954, in Man Book 12,
<br />pages 35A through 37A, and Ordinance No. lo08 N.S., a map of which was
<br />filed August 26, 1956, in Map Book 40, page 63, Records of Alameda
<br />County, California, to the southeasterly corner of last said territory
<br />anrfexwd to the Cit- of San Leandro, said corner being on the nor`_h7:est-
<br />erly line of Hi.11crest Knolls, as said northwesterly line is dalineatpd
<br />on that certain map entitled "HILLCREST KNOLLS" etc., filed January 13,
<br />1925, in Map Book 4, page 56, Records of Alameda County, California;
<br />thence leaving the boundary line of the City of San Leandro northeast-
<br />erly along said northwesterly line of Hillcrest Knolls to the most
<br />northerly corner of said Rillcrest Knolls; thence southeasterly along
<br />the northeasterly line of Hillcrest Knolls and along the direct oror'uct-
<br />ion southeasterly thereof to an intersection of said nrct:uction with
<br />the southeasterly right of way line of County Road No. 7675, commonly
<br />known as 150 th Avenue, 66 feet in width; thence south-sterl, a'_inm
<br />the southeasterly right of way line of 150 th Avenue to an intersection
<br />thereof with the northeasterly right of way line of Foothill Boulevard,
<br />as said northeasterly right of way line was established by California
<br />31408, recorded February 27, 1957, in
<br />Highway Cormnission Resolution No.
<br />Reel 1921 of Official Records, Image 972, (AZ-176.12) Records of Alameda
<br />County, California; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly right
<br />of way line of Foothill Boulevard to an intersection thereof with the
<br />southeasterly line of the 123.92 acre tract of land cony -?-red b7 Faxon D.
<br />Atherton to the Board of Directors of the County Infirmary of Alamer'a
<br />County, by deed recorded November 29, 1870, in Book 61 of Deeds, gage
<br />108, Records of Alameda County, California; thence northeasterly along
<br />said southeasterly line to an intersection thereof with the general
<br />southwesterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyer' by East Bay
<br />Idnicipal Utility District, a public corporation, to The Lutheran Church-
<br />Yissouri Synod, a corporation, by deed recorded November 16, 1961, in
<br />Reel 454 of official Records, Image 663, Records of Alameda County,
<br />California; thence southeasterly along said r;eneral southwesterly line
<br />to the most westerly corner of Valley Crest Gardens, as said corner is
<br />shown on that certain map entitled "VALLEY CREST GARDENS" etc., filed
<br />August 10, 1909, in Map Book 24, page 92, Records of Alameda County,
<br />California, said corner being the most westerly corner of Castro Valley
<br />County Fire Protection District, as said district was established by
<br />Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda Count., adopted
<br />November 21, 1927, (C1erWs File No. 21288), filed in Minute Book 56,
<br />page 397; thence in a general southeasterly direction along the general
<br />westerly boundary line of Castro Valley County Fire Protection District
<br />as follows: southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Malley
<br />Crest Gardens to the northwesterly right of way line of Easy Street, a
<br />County Road, 50 feet in width, as said street is shown on that certain
<br />-1-
<br />