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map entitled "TRACT 680" etc., filed July 7, 1948, in Yap Book 18, page <br />58, Records of Alameda County, California; thence leaving the reneral <br />vesterly boundary line of.Castro Valley County Fire Protection District <br />northeasterly along said northwesterly right of wav line of Easy Streot <br />and along the direct production northeasterly thereof to an intersection <br />of said production with the Ceneral northeasterly right of way line of <br />County Road No. 7466, commonly known as Crest Avenue, 50.00 feet in width, <br />as said general northeasterly right of Way lire was established by <br />Resolution No. 58430 of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County, <br />adopted October 26, 1950, a certified copy of which was recorded October <br />27, 1950, in Book 6269 of Official Records, ^age 245, Records of Alameda <br />County, California; thence southeasterly along said neneral northeast- <br />erly right of way line to an intersection thereof with the southeasterly <br />line of Lot 15, as said lot is shown on that certain map entitled "VALLEY <br />CHEST GARDENS" etc., filed August 10, 1909, in Man Book 24, at gage 92, <br />Records of Alameda County, California; thence continuing along said men - <br />oral northeasterly right of way line and said southeasterly line of Lot 15 <br />South 480 461 00" '+Yost (the bearing of last said line being taken as South <br />480 46' 00" 'Nest for the purpose of making this descri-lion) 5.00 feet <br />to an intersection thereof with the general northeasterly right of say <br />line of County Road No. 7466, commonly known as Crest Avenue, 45.00 feet <br />in width, as said right of way line is shown on the aforesaid man of <br />Valley Crest Gardens, said right of way line being parallel with and <br />distant northeasterly 20.00 feet from the centerline of snid Crest Avenue, <br />measured at right angles thereto; thence along last said right of way <br />line of Crest Avenue South 410 141 00" East 150.00 feet to an intersect- <br />ion thereof with the general northeasterly right of way line of County <br />Road No. 7466, commonly known as Crest Avenue, 50.00 feet in width, as <br />last said right of way line was established by Resolution No. 5P,431 of <br />the Board of Su^ervisors of Alameda County, adopted October 26, 1950, a <br />certified copy of which was recorded October 27, 1950, in Book 6269 of <br />Official Records, :gage 241, Records of Alameda County, California; thence <br />along last said right of way line North 4eO 45' 00" mast 5.00 feet to an <br />angle point therein; thence continuing along said general northeasterly <br />right of way line of Crest Avenue South 410 14' 00" mast 150.00 feet to <br />the southeasterly terminus of that portion thereof established by said <br />Resolution No. 58431; thence continuing southeasterly, southerly and <br />southeasterly along the general northeasterly right of way line of County <br />Road No. 7644, commonly known as Crest Avenue, 50.00 feet in width, and <br />easterly and rcrtheacterly al,% g the north^rly and north%e-terly right <br />of way lines of County Road No. 7644, formerly known as Crest Avenue, <br />now known as South Crest Avenue and Miramar Avenue, 50,00 feet in width, <br />as said general northeasterly, northerly and northre-ter'y right of way <br />lines were established by :iesolutions of the Boars! of Su-ervi=ors of <br />Alameda County Nos. 56432 through 58442, all adopted October 26, 1950, <br />certified copies of which were recorded October 27, 1950, consecutively, <br />in Book 6269 of Cfficial Records, rages 197 through 237, and Resolution <br />No. 60812 of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County, adopted August 2, <br />1951, a certified copy of which was recorded August 8, 1951, in Book 6507 <br />of Official Records, page 351, and Resolution No. 57657 of the Board of <br />Supervisors of Alameda County, adopted August 1, 1950, a certified co-7 <br />of which was recorded August 3, 1950, in Book 6184 of Official Records, <br />page 308, Records of Alameda County, California, to an intersection of <br />said northwesterly riczht of way line of Miramar Avenue r.ith the direct <br />production northwesterly of that certain course designated "N. 140 211 <br />45" W. 1.00" (foot) connecting two curves in the general easterly right <br />of way line of Rolando Avenue, a County Road, 44.00 feet in width, at <br />its intersection with Miramar Avenue, (formerly known as South Crest <br />Avenue and Crest Avenue), as said course is shown on that certain map <br />entitled "TRACT 2092" etc., and filed August st 24, 1961, in Man Books 44 at <br />page 67, Records of Alameda County, California; thence southeasterly along <br />said production to the northerly terminus of said course designated <br />"N. 140 21' 45" W. 1.00" (foot); thence in a general southeasterly, <br />oouthwesterly, southeasterly and northeasterly direction along said gen- <br />eral easterly right of way line of Rolando Avenue, as said avenue is <br />shown on said map of Tract 2092, to an intersection thereof with the <br />general southerly line of said Tract 2092; thence northeasterly, south- <br />easterly, southerly and southeasterly al,)ng snid general southerly line <br />of Tract 2092 to the -oint of intersection thereof with the southeast- <br />erly line of the aforesaid Valley Crest Gardens, said point being on the <br />aforesaid general westerly boundary line of Castro Valley County Fire <br />Protection District; thence in a general southeasterly, direction along <br />the general westerly boundary line of Castro Valley Count.; ?ire Protect- <br />ion District as follows: northeasterly along, the southeasterly line of <br />said Valley Crest Gardens to an intersection thereof with the southwezt- <br />erly line of Stanton Tract No. 1, as said southwesterly line is delineated <br />on that certain map entitled "'ILAP OF STANTCN TRACT NO. 1" etc., filed <br />May 3, 1892, in Map Book 17, page 6, Records of Alameda County, California; <br />-2- <br />