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To the Board of Supervise <br />County of Alameda <br />Court House <br />Oakland, California <br />Gentlemen: <br />WIEREAS, there was submitted to the Alauieda County Boundary Commission on August 2d, <br />1956, a proposal ro-u EV. T. iiohener to aiuiexx certain territory( to t-ie Git; of San Leandro, <br />known as k,ohener's P roperiy Annex; and <br />FU' j, tie-:lameda :oz:nty Boundary Commuission did at ins meeting of �eptegtber 13, 1956, <br />hive considaration to such oroposal and did co,upare the proposed okaLage in than boundaries of <br />said District wiL4 those of ot;ier diastrict8 witihi.n toe -downy and ascertained the extent to <br />which overlapping or c,,;Sl.icting boundaries may* result frou such proposal, and did consider <br />all other factors in connection with such proposal tnat ,ai4ht be iniiTLtcal to the public <br />interest; <br />M IT 4 .00-4-L-D that it is the report anu eec:oiiLiier.dfation of the Alaneda <br />Guranty douxidary Gowaission with respect to the proposal from u. v. ,.onener to &.ne.x certain <br />territory to the L,ity of :,an Leandro, known as houener's="ropertj Axuzexi <br />1. That the description of thie lands be corrected -Lo read as corL ec 6ed if, red on the <br />attached description. <br />2. ihaa,t proponent give cousideratiur, to the fact that tine area o:L tr:ia uruposal lies <br />enti.reLy oithi,a tine u,erritory of thb pruposea uitj of ,.aa.ida€;ton ..aauz, (�oundary <br />Commission heport and recommendation No. 342, datew-auly 7, 1955; roost, recent <br />"Notice of intention to Circulate Petition" presented to the Clerk of the .bard <br />of Supervisors on June 7, 1956 and ordered "Received" by the ioard)e Signed <br />petitions were received by the board on ::kv 25t, 1956, but not actie+± upon as )rot. <br />3. That the Clerk of the boundary ioanission oe ct rected to ii.le ti:is report wits, <br />the isoa-d of Sonervisors and to furnish conies thereof to n. V. riunener azxi the <br />City of San Leandro. <br />KMT s). rArKt$ 1. <br />Chairman, Alameda County Souni.ary C"omrmi, s si on <br />DATO: September 13, 19�6 <br />