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DES,,,,.,., LION OF HOHENERIS PROPERTY PROPOSED <br />TO BE ANNEXED TO THE, CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REAL PROPERTY in the Township of Eden, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the City of San Leandro boundary line as <br />established by Ordinance No. 763 N.S. and as shown_ on that certain map <br />entitled, "Map Delineating Boundary of Territory Annexed to the City of <br />San Leandro, California by Ordinance No- 763 I.S. Under Annexation of <br />Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939", filed August 12, 1948 in Book 17 of <br />Maps, page a, Records of Alameda County, California, said point being <br />also on the southeastern line of Davis Street, formerly County Road No. <br />5952, distant south 690 35a west 101.766 feet from the southwestern <br />line of the parcel of land described in the deed by J. C. Faustino and <br />Rose M. Faustino to Ernest Hohener, dated December 17, 1930, recorded <br />January 14, 1931 in Book 2508 page 286, Official hecords of Alameda County, <br />California; thence south 200 350 east 428 feet and parallel with said <br />southwestern line of said land described in said deed to Ernest Hohener, <br />to the southeastern line of the 10.12 acre tract of land described in the <br />deed by Charles Petersen to J. C. Faustino, dated November 5, 19149 recorded <br />November 25, 1914 in Book 2285 of Deeds, at page 346, Records of Alameda <br />County,California, said point of intersection being the most eastern corner <br />U the parcel of land conveyed to Oakland Scavenger Co -by deed recorded <br />March 26, 1937 in Book 3444, page 413 (HH/15655) Official Records of Alameda <br />County, California; thence south 690 25' west 172.07 feet along the <br />southeastern line of said 10.12 acre tract of land described in said deed <br />to J. C. Faustino, said line being also the southeastern line of the 21.12 <br />acre parcel of land described in the deed to Charles Petersen, recorded <br />June 17, 1910 in Book 1786 of Deeds, page 35, (M/82179) Records of <br />Alameda County, California; thence south 180 421 20" east 624.57 feet; thence <br />south 690 570 4011 west 189.20 feet; thence south 150 �51 20" east 595.64 feet; <br />more or less, to the southeastern line of the 85 acre parcel of land conveyed <br />to Andreas Petersen by deed recorded in Book 309 of Deeds, page 266, Records <br />of Alameda County, California; thence along the last mentioned line north <br />690 30, 40" east 800.62 feet, more or less, to a line drawn south 200 351 east <br />from a point on said southeastern line of the said 21.12 acre parcel of land <br />described in said deed to Charles Petersen, distant north 690 250 east <br />60 feet from the most southern corner of the parcel of land described in the <br />deed to Frank H. Williams, recorded in Book 2204 of Deeds, page 35, Records <br />of Alameda County, California; thence north 200 351 west 1216.98 feet, <br />more or less, to the southeastern line of the said 21.12 acre parcel of land <br />described in deed to Charles Petersen; thence along the last mentioned lane <br />nort.11. 690 251 east 42 feet, more or lesse said line being also the south- <br />eastern line of the 11 acre tract of land described in the deed by Catherine <br />Ellis to A. T. Barbis and Angelo Barbis, dated April 10, 19452 recorded <br />April 13, 1945 in Book 4701, page 156 (SS-23523) Official Records of Alameda <br />county, California, to a line drawn south 200 35o east from a point on the <br />said City of San Leandro boundary line as estabilsihed by Ordinance No. 763 N.S. <br />distant north 690 351 east 102 feet from the southwestern line of the <br />said 11 acre tract of land described in said deed to A. T. Barbis and Angelo <br />Barbis: thence north 200 35' west 428 feet, more or less, to the said <br />City of San Leandro boundary line; thence along the last mentioned line south <br />690 35' west h07.298 feet to the point of beginning. <br />I, the undersi ned, Public Works Director for the City of 6'an Leandro do hereby <br />certify that Ne foregoing description is a true, full, and complete 'description <br />RGr, of the Hohencr Is proPpe try oTkos�d to be annexed to the City of San Leandro <br />as prepared by the ub�lic o s epartmen . <br />2/55—hg L. homen am in, u jc oTrir ector <br />