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f <br />i _ 1 <br />THE ALAMEDA COUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSION <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION NO ------ _775 <br />To the Board of Supervisors <br />County of Alameda <br />Court House <br />Oakland 12, California <br />Gentlemen: <br />WHEREAS, there was submitted to the Alameda County Boundary Commission on K07 2s 1963s a <br />proposal from the City of Sam Leandro, on behalf of Ugo Abram sad A. J. Menckmca, to anne= <br />eertata territory designated sAenesatioaN to said City; and <br />WHEREAS, the Alameda County Boundary Commission did at its meeting of May 22, 1963, <br />give consideration to such proposal and did compare the proposed change in the boundaries of said District or City <br />with those of other districts or cities within the County and ascertained the extent to which overlapping or conflict- <br />ing boundaries may result from such proposal, and did consider all other factors in connection with such proposal <br />that might be inimical to the public interest; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the report and recommendation of the Alameda County <br />Boundary Commission with respect to the proposal from the City of San Leandro, on behalf of <br />Ugo Abram and A. J. Meadonaa, to annex certain territory designated ■Abram-46endaoaa <br />Aimexatioa* to said City: <br />1. That the map and description will be considered satisfactory if corrected <br />as shown thereon in red. <br />2. .That this proposal will result in the extension of an existing corridor of <br />unincorporated territory 0.08 of a foot in width, which corridor and <br />extension appear to conflict with Section 35002.3 (2) of the Government Code. <br />3. That inclusion of the 0.08 foot strip in this anae=ation would result in the <br />creation of an island of unincorporated territory completely surrounded by the <br />City of San Imandro. Creation of mush an island is also prohibited by Section <br />35002.3 (1) of the Govexmunt Code, <br />6 That since it does appear that either the inclusiom or exclusion of the 0.08 foot <br />strip would conflict with the sane section of the Government Code, and becawse <br />the City of San Leandro has recently completed an adjacent annexation Which <br />extended the same strip, (Ordinance No. 1346 N.S.), it also appears that it would <br />be mors desirable to include said strip in this atmm ation from the westerly line <br />of Merced Street to the Ni its Freeway, thus creating a prohibited island and <br />avoiding the splitting of ownerships end other loss desirable situations Which <br />exist in the records. <br />5. That the special districts affecting the boundaries of the above -mentioned <br />proposed annautioz are as follows: <br />a. <br />San Leandro Unified School District - B.A. <br />b. <br />Oakland High School District Bond - Rate No. 1. <br />:tiu-Gh Gomty Joint Junior college AXLswkiot. <br />d. <br />County RoM Xxtrict No. 1. <br />e. <br />County Flood 0ontrol sadtiater Coaservation District - B.A. <br />f. <br />County Flood Ocatrol and Water Conservation District - Zone No. 9. <br />i• <br />Oosta Transit District - BA. <br />h. <br />Alatrede-Cbstra Costa Trawit District - Bpeoial Transit Service District No. 1. <br />Is <br />San Plancdseo Hay Area XoJd Transit District. <br />J. <br />East .Hay Mmidaipal Utuity District. <br />k. <br />County Ylosquito Abateneat Katrict. <br />� 1. <br />Bay Area Air Pollution Control District. <br />m. <br />0anaty Free 1.brary System. <br />n. <br />Eden Tolsoobip Hospital District. <br />o. <br />s <br />East Bay Regiesal Perk District. O-S <br />f <br />