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OFFICE OF THE <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY HALL - 835 EAST 14TH STREET <br />SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA <br />June 11, i963 <br />Alameda County Boundary Commission <br />Court House <br />1225 Fallon <br />Oakland, California <br />Gentlemen: <br />The City of San Leandro on its own motion, pro- <br />poses to annex to the City of San Leandro under the pro- <br />visions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act <br />of 1939, all that land situated in the Township of Eden, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, more particuarly <br />described on the annexed Schedule A, which Schedule A <br />is hereunto attached, referred to, and made a part hereof <br />as fully as though set forth herein. <br />The strip proposed to be annexed is the same strip <br />of land mentioned in Paragraph numbered 4 of Report and <br />Recommendation No. 775 of your Honorable Commission. The <br />City proposes to eliminate this strip through a separate <br />annexation, rather than to include it with the territory <br />referred to in said Report. and Recommendation No. 775. <br />Very truly yours, <br />Arthur M. Carden <br />City Attorney <br />AMC: nf <br />