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UNIT, NO. 85"; <br />That notice is hereby further given that at 7:15 o'clock p.m. <br />on October 14, 1963, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, San <br />Leandro, California, any person owning property within the boundaries <br />of the hereinafter described territory so proposed to be annexed and <br />having any objections to the proposed annexation may appear before <br />this City Council and show cause why such territory should not be <br />annexed; <br />That at any time not later than the hour set for hearing objec- <br />tions to the proposed annexation, any owner of property within the <br />territory proposed to be annexed may file written protest against <br />the proposed annexation. Such protest shall state the name of the <br />owner of the property affected thereby and the description and area <br />of such property in general terms; <br />That the territory herein referred to is uninhabited and is con- <br />tiguous to the present boundary line of the City; <br />That the boundaries of the territory hereinabove proposed to <br />be annexed are specifically described as all that land situated in <br />the Township of Eden, Alameda County, California, bounded as follows: <br />BEGINNING at an anglepoint in the City of San Leandro <br />boundary line as established by Ordinance 957 N.S. as <br />shown or the map filed January 19, 1955 in Map Book 32, <br />page 58A, Alameda County Records, said point being the <br />intersection of the northeastern line of Merced Street, <br />60.00 feet wide, more or less, with the northwestern <br />line of First Avenue (West Ave. 132), 60 feet wide, thence <br />along the easterly line of Merced Street North 27' 30' <br />West 687.42 feet to the southerly line of the unincorpo- <br />rated strip of land 0.08 feet in width as shown on the <br />map filed January i9, 1955 in Map Book 32, page 58A, <br />Alameda County Records, being the true point of begin- <br />ning of this description; thence South 62' 30' West <br />60.00 feet to the westerly line of Merced Street.; thence <br />North 27" 30' west 0.08 feet to the northerly side of <br />said unincorperated strip of land 0.08 feet in width; <br />thence following along the northerly line of said unin- <br />corporated strip of land 0.08 feet in width North 62' 30' <br />East 60.08 feet; South 27' 301 East 15.00 feet; North <br />62' 301 East 971.72 feet, more or less, to the south- <br />- 2 - <br />