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City der Harry Rosenberg March 17, 1961 <br />City 4.ttorney's Office <br />Annexation of Port property now in San Leandro. <br />-2- <br />Accurate descriptions of the two parcels involved must <br />be prepared and submitted to the County Boundary Commission <br />for review and report. After that report has been rendered, a <br />petition for annexation would be presented to the City Council for <br />its consideration. As to the Port of Oakland property, such petition <br />could come from the Beard of Port Commissioners as the record <br />owners. At that time a resolution would be prepared for submission <br />to the Council giving notice of the proposed annexation and of the time <br />and place of a hearing of protests. <br />The City Council did not pass upon this proposed exchange <br />when it was presented previously, but has referred the matter to <br />the City Manager for report and recommendation as to policy. Until <br />that report is made, and until and unless the Council has decided in <br />favor of the proposal (at least tentatively) as a matter of policy, <br />there seems to be no point in proceeding with. the work and procedural <br />steps that will be involved. When and if a favorable decision is <br />reached, and the requisite information has been obtained and <br />furnished to us, we shall prepare required legislation for submission <br />to the Council as above indicated. <br />Very truly yours, <br />HILTON J. MEL BY <br />City Attorney <br />By <br />Edward A. Goggin <br />Deputy City Attorney <br />EAG:gl <br />cc: Mr. J. Kerwin Rooney <br />Mr. Arthur Carden <br />