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AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION <br />(Mulford Gardens) <br />STATE OF CALiFORNIA ) <br />s5S <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />H� H. Burbank, being first duly sworn, deposes and says,. <br />That he is now and at all times herein mentioned was the duly <br />appointed, qualified, and acting City Clerk of the City of San Le- <br />andro, a municipal corporation, and ex officio Clerk of the City <br />Council of said City. <br />That by proceedings under the "Annexation Act of 1913" and <br />amendments thereof and additions thereto consOnted to by the City <br />Council of the City of San Leandro on March 11, 1957 by its Resolu- <br />tion No. 3168 C.M.S. and completed by the City Council on May 27, <br />1957 by final adoption of its Ordinance No. 1054 N.S., said City <br />annexed the territory referred to in that certain certified copy <br />of the boundary description as set forth in such proceedings and <br />map delineating such boundary which are annexed hereto and by this <br />reference incorporated herein. That all requirements of the laws <br />relating to such proceedings have been complied with. <br />Vitness my hand this 28th day of May, 1957. <br />i erk and ex o fic o Clerk o <br />the City Council, City of San Le- <br />andro, Alameda County, California. <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me <br />this 28th day of May, 1957. <br />o ublic in and for the County o <br />Alam5da, State of California. <br />5/17/57/ah <br />