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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />1MMOFMCE MEMO a�rlrxiry 1Je P� Y <br />To G. homer Hamlin, Director of Public Works DATU ;,u,-a jt 20, 19611 <br />FROM <br />SUBJECT Annexin Nimitz Frecw <br />i Today, I called Bill Smallwood in the Alameda County Clerk's Office (TW. 3-1338, <br />2 Ext. 123) to determine what happencC, to the annexation of fol-,- at Washington <br />y <br />3 Avenue and Nimitz Freeway, which arc intender: to be relinquile.ed by the State to the <br />4 City. <br />s He said the Count;; is holding up action or these because: the Local Agency Formation. <br />a Committee feels that the entire freeway area that is now not in the Ci;:y should be annex d.' <br />7 at one time. lie sa:,s that the law permits a comity to annex all of the freeway now <br />because such an annexation would not create an island and the catinty has the right to <br />9 initiate such an annexation, by virtue of the fact that the public thoroughfare , <br />10 (freeway) is bordered upon each side by an incorporated city (San Leandro). <br />11 I cannot sec arV material differencc, or is :ict, ate- difference at all in whether S <br />12 the frccwac- i3 within the City or within the County, except that if the freeway were <br />4 <br />13 trithin <br />the City, tl,;: citylimit 1:oundaz-y wOl11d be much mare <br />simplified. <br />The boundary <br />_ 14 of the <br />City would look much clearer on the maps and probably <br />discussions <br />regarding the y� <br />to freeway with the State would be much more simplified. <br />16 I recomend that the County be a3kL-' to initiate proceedings to annex all of the <br />frcew , not no,., within the city limits and all the related roadways connected thereto. <br />Is I re: o?rLmend 'L gat the southerly limit to the freeway annexation stop at the northerly <br />»_ side of Lewellinp Blvd. so that no more of Lewelling or Hesperian Blvd. be brought <br />30 within the City until the proposed imprw.,oreents thereon arc completed by the County. <br />21 <br />is <br />. Ward," Assista <br />23 <br />24 RHW/Yr- <br />25 <br />A <br />